Warning: contains spoilers for Superman: Son of Kal-El #6!

As the son of Batman, the new Robin learns every superhero trick in the book from his more famous mentor – but Damian Wayne has inherited his father’s single most terrifying trait as the Caped Crusader. The duo haven’t always seen eye-to-eye, but eventually Damian learned to respect his father and even love him (in his own way; Damian doesn’t like to rely on others). But in Superman: Son of Kal-El #6, the son of the Batman’s smile inspires confusion and fear…just like his father.

In Superman: Son of Kal-El, Clark Kent has left Earth for parts unknown; his son Jonathan, who has inherited all of his father’s Kryptonian powers, is now Earth’s new Superman. The new Man of Steel fights climate change, saves immigrants, and his own nerves as he asks out his new boyfriend Jay Nakamura on a date (he asks him to pick any rooftop in the city, and Nakamura chooses the Daily Planet globe). The evil President Bendix of Gamorra has become a dictator of the nation, and Superman and Nakamura decide to break into a facility to discover his plans.


While Superman provides overwatch, Jay Nakamura walks through the walls on the lower level. As a result of government experimentation, he acquired the power to walk through walls (and become intangible instinctually, meaning bullets and other threats go right through him). Nakamura is stunned to be attacked by Robin – who was also looking for the missing data hidden by Bendix. The two introduce themselves (after Robin realizes he can’t hurt Jay at all), and after all three parties meet with Lois, it’s clear that Robin is smiling…and its unnerving Superman.

“Can you stop grinning? It’s a little disconcerting coming from you” Superman asks Damian. The real reason why Damian is smiling is because he’s figured out that Jon and Jay are an item – and while’s he’s genuinely supportive of Superman’s relationship, the smile coming from Damian Wayne of all people is more off-putting than not. As Batman, Bruce Wayne rarely if ever smiles while in costume…unless he’s actually given in to the thrill of the hunt and has lost control (most often seen in Frank Miller’s take on the Dark Knight).

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Both Damian Wayne and Bruce Wayne have a very difficult time conveying their emotions, especially happiness. In this instance, Robin is genuinely happy for Jonathan’s relationship, and the exchange is a positive moment. Nevertheless, Batman’s son will always appear frightening while smiling; the apple does not fall far from the tree.

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