An EA exec has reportedly blamed part of the negative reception for Battlefield 2042 on Halo Infinite. Even months after release, Battlefield 2042 is seen as a failure by players. The game launched in a dire state, and though patches have since been released to fix it, the foundational elements of DICE’s latest shooter are fundamentally flawed. As a result, many are growing irritated with DICE and EA as there’s no clear road map for new content and updates.

Players have created a popular petition requesting refunds for Battlefield 2042, but EA has yet to respond. While DICE has a history of releasing games in broken or controversial states, Battlefield 2042 is certainly the most frustrating for fans. The game was marketed as a love letter to fans of the franchise, and boasted its status as the first game in the series to support 128 players. It also featured a return to a modern setting, something fans had requested for some time. By all accounts, this should’ve been a grand slam for EA and DICE, but it wasn’t. The game was plagued with massive bugs, bad maps, weak gameplay, and much more.


In a new report from XFire, Laura Miele, EA’s Chief Studios Officer, reportedly chalked up Battlefield 2042‘s negative reception to Halo Infinite during a company town hall meeting on February 15. Amidst the news that Battlefield 2042‘s player counts are dropping, Miele addressed staff by talking about morale, the state of the game, and what led them there. She noted that the game was being received well by critics and the game was “stable,” but the surprise release of Halo Infinite’s multiplayer on November 15 changed everything.

Miele reportedly stated that Halo Infinite‘s polished release caused unfortunate and unfavorable comparisons to Battlefield 2042‘s buggy state. It seems like a stretch to think 2042‘s release was going perfectly fine until other players played a different game. Although Halo Infinite may have been a preferable title  because it felt more finished and competent, Battlefield 2042 was catching criticism from fans since October’s beta.

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With news that Battlefield 2042‘s season one has been delayed, fans are left hanging and wondering when the game will improve. Not only that, but the lack of new content is pushing players away. The current list features in the game has left some feeling unfulfilled, likely contributing to the drop in players, but it’s unclear if future seasonal updates can win them back. With this kind of mindset from the leadership and a lack of understanding of why the game failed, the future of Battlefield 2042 is a bit concerning.

Source: XFire

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