For Battlefield 2042‘s reveal trailer, DICE included a nod to the legendary Rendezook jet scene; now a player has replicated that exact same kill in-game. The Rendezook stunt in question took the web by storm roughly 10 years ago when a Battlefield 3 user ejected from their jet, shot another plane out of the sky with an RPG, or bazooka, and then rendezvoused with their own plane once more for a stunning finish.

Other players in subsequent Battlefield titles have tried replicating the iconic scene to varying degrees of success. The Rendezook kill proved especially popular in 2013’s Battlefield 4, which was set in the year 2020. Given that Battlefield 2042 counts as another near-future entry in EA’s long-running FPS series, it should come as no surprise that players are once more using the in-game tech to their advantage while recreating the Renedezook scene. And some users have replicated the moment quite faithfully, too.


Recently, Reddit user Ashimdude shared a clip of their Rendezook kill in Battlefield 2042. As one would expect, it begins with the player departing their jet mid-flight, wielding an RPG, blasting another jet with said weapon, then wingsuit flying back to their plane and climbing back inside. And, yes, it looks as awe-inspiring now as it did a decade ago in Battlefield 3. There’s no doubt countless other users will attempt the exact same stunt in the weeks and months ahead. Check out Ashimdude’s incredible feat in the video linked below:

That such a move can still be performed all of these years later seems a testament to DICE’s attention to detail. Even more impressive is that another stunt-based kill has yet to top the Rendezook. Surely, something will eventually upstage the legendary move.

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Battlefield 2042 hit store shelves a little over a week ago to lukewarm reception across the board. Players have been especially hard on the title, evidenced by the fact that it sits on the list of worst-reviewed Steam games. Much of the disdain stems from the shooter’s egregious number of glitches, which the crew at DICE continues to iron out in post-launch updates. Some Battlefield faithful, however, have expressed disappointment in changes to the traditional formula. For example, DICE abandoned Battlefield’s Class system in favor of Specialists who come equipped with unique skills and gadgets. Whether or not users will eventually warm up to the changes presently remains a mystery.

Battlefield 2042 is available now to play now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S platforms.

Source: Ashimdude/Reddit

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