The Battlefield franchise has always incorporated some sense of sandbox elements to its gameplay over the years. Battlefield 2042is looking to expand that sandbox play style even more. Maps are the largest they have ever been, lobbies are now doubled in size on next-gen consoles with the limit sitting at 128 players, character customization has been taken to a new level, a new weather system was implemented, and the system for vehicles has been completely reworked.

Vehicles have always been a staple of Battlefield, however, there was always a glaring pet peeve at the back of almost everyone’s minds. This quirk consisted of those wanting to drive one of the many deployable vehicles when none are available. This resulted in those players having to sit within the spawn menu in Battlefield games, waiting for minutes on end and wasting precious playtime, for one of the taken vehicles to finally respawn.


While this may not happen every game, players in Battlefield multiplayer have at some point likely waited in the menu trying to snag one of the fighter jets, helicopters, and tanks just to try them out. This wait would get especially long when those who were in the vehicles were so skilled that it took half a game to get shot out of the sky or get bombarded with rocket launchers from the rooftops above.

New Vehicle System In Battlefield 2042: Drop On The Go

Fortunately, Battlefield 2042 has solved this gameplay issue in a unique way. Unlike prior titles, any player can now call in a vehicle while in the game itself. There’s no more waiting in the loadout menu awaiting the icon to recharge; players can simply call in a drop and have the vehicle they want spawn directly in front of them. Vehicles can even be dropped on top of enemies, which should make for some funny clips.

So far, there’s no word on the limit of vehicles that can be spawned in at a time. Obviously, there can’t be 64 helicopters, tanks, jets, etc., all on one team. However, the Battlefield 2042 trailer suggests there will still be a great number of vehicle spawns available. Being able to spawn in a specified vehicle will not only allow players to continually respawn and play the game, but they can also choose their vehicle variant. If somebody wants an Apache Helicopter instead of a Nightbird Helicopter, they can do so.

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Battlefield 2042 Is Changing The Way Passengers Play

Along with changes to the spawn-in system in Battlefield 2042, vehicle passenger seats have also been given some much-needed upgrades. In previous games, many seats within vehicles were simply to transport the squad to an objective with the main driver, and sometimes a support gunner depending on the vehicle. In Battlefield 2042, each seat will have a designated position such as bonus gunner seats, anti-air guns, spotter seats, and landmine dropper seats. While passenger seats can still be seen on the HUD for certain vehicles within gameplay trailers, there is now greater viability in keeping the squad together and tackling an objective while huddled inside a tank or an attack helicopter.

The currently known list of vehicles includes:

  • AH640GX Apache Warchief Attack Helicopter
  • MD540 Nightbird Helicopter
  • SU-57 Elon Jet
  • F-35E Panther Jet
  • MV38-Condor
  • E6-JGR Recon
  • Various APCs
  • LATV4 Hovercraft
  • Futuristic Three-Wheeled Auto Rickshaw
  • Quad Bike
  • M1A5 Tank

These changes in Battlefield 2042 will completely alter how multiplayer game modes work. It will create a much freer environment for players to choose the way they want to play, without inferring in their game time spent in the loadout screen. It’s a step in the right direction after the disappointing release of Battlefield V. EA and DICE have sunk their teeth into a more advanced sandbox FPS game, hopefully, they can deliver.

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