DICE has finally revealed Battlefield 2042 with the game’s reveal trailer. It’s tough to say the trailer is anything more than five minutes of fan service. After the disappointment of Battlefield V, this next entry is attempting to be the Battlefield series’ much-needed comeback. Battlefield 2042 is starting off its tenure by reminding fans what they love about Battlefield, and assuring future players that the signature “only in Battlefield” moments will be plentiful.

The biggest wink to longtime fans in the reveal trailer was an homage to a classic Battlefield 3 video from 2011. Near the end of the already-absurd Battlefield 2042 trailer, a pilot notices an enemy jet on their tail. The pilot opens their canopy, jumps out of the moving plane, brandishes a rocket launcher, and uses it to blow up the incoming jet. With the pilot’s plane stalling, they dive back toward the cockpit, restart the engines, and resume course.


The daring maneuver was named and cemented into the Battlefield zeitgeist thanks to YouTube creator Stun_gravy’s video titled “Battlefield 3 – RendeZook.” Stun_gravy invented the incredible RendeZook in the exact same way it plays out in the trailer, accented by the theme music from The A-TeamBattlefield 3 was the first game in the series to have flyable planes, and the RendeZook became an immediate phenomenon. The RendeZook isn’t just an incredibly impressive move, but also encapsulates the spirit of what Battlefield has become.

The RendeZook is a Cornerstone of the Battlefield Series

It seems unlikely that, when Battlefield 3 came out, DICE ever thought the players would pull off a stunt like the RendeZook. In a way, Stun_gravy’s accomplishment epitomizes the gameplay potential of the Battlefield games. The developers provide a wide-open map, weapons and vehicles to fill it, and the players take care of the rest. The selling point of every Battlefield title is the promise of true sandbox combat, where completely ludicrous stunts like the RendeZook are possible.

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Playing into the absurdity of the series’ gameplay is a good way for DICE to get Battlefield back on track, especially with the daring jump to absolutely massive maps in Battlefield 2042. As a general rule, the larger the game space, the less structure the game has. Coming out of the gate with a trailer featuring a RendeZook, helicopters crashing into each other, and a soldier flying a wing suit through a tornado is a good way to let fans know 2042 will indulge in chaos. The potential of Battlefield 2042 can be better assessed after the gameplay reveal on June 13, but this is a much better start than the infamous Battlefield V reveal trailer.

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