A cryptic message teases Battlefield 6’s near-future story, as war takes center stage in an ominous transmission being distributed to influencers by EA. As players await Battlefield6‘s reveal trailer, leaks have wracked EA and developer DICE’s best-laid marketing plans. Whatever the game’s setting and story may be, things seem dire in the Battlefield universe.

Towards the end of May, a major leak put the Battlefield 6 trailer online for all to see (albeit a roughly cut version pieced together from screenshots). The leaked trailer is reportedly the majority of what EA was likely planning to release on June 9, the confirmed reveal date for the next entry in the blockbuster FPS franchise. However, some claim Battlefield 6’s reveal trailer will now be altered to keep fans (and leakers) on their toes. In addition to putting on a major Battlefield franchise sale on digital stores and giving away Battlefield 4 for free to Amazon Prime subscribers, EA is also turning up the heat on its official Battlefield 6 marketing efforts in other ways.


In a tweet by JackFrags, the gaming personality says he received an “incoming transmission” from the official Battlefield Twitter account, which came in the form of a cryptic message. Though most of the image text is “redacted,” the rest was quickly pieced together by online sleuths and shared by Youtuber MrProWestie. The full message reads:

Some of you want to return home – that most human of all instincts. With a heavy heart, I must tell you the truth. You have no home to return to. The question we must ask ourselves now is: do we accept our fate? Or do we dare to fight for a better world? If you can fire a gun, if you can tend a wound, if you can create havoc — those who cannot – we need you. War is the only way home.

The message seems to clearly illustrate the near-future story of Battlefield 6 suggested in leaks, with evidence that all-out war has broken out amid a climate disaster, with weather events like the leaked trailer’s tornado being heavy hints to that effect. The enemy is also unknown, but since the message calls for soldiers, it’s easy to assume the threat is massive. The full message, however, should still likely be taken as speculation until confirmed by EA or DICE. It’s possible that the cryptic message will be present in the game’s official reveal, if not sooner.

The transmission has a few other pieces to be put together, such as the date of the message, which only reads “January 1.” The year is redacted, which is likely purposeful to hide the exact timeframe of Battlefield 6‘s setting. The cryptic transmission is certainly interesting, and it definitely brings attention to the game. The message doesn’t give much away, but it will likely all make sense when Battlefield 6 is revealed on June 9.

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Source: JackFrags, MrProWestie

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