Warning: The following contains SPOILERS for Batwoman, season 2, episode 12, “Initiate Self Destruct.”

The Arrowverse version of Black Mask once claimed that Kate Kane had killed his daughter, and Batwoman has teased that might actually have happened.. While initially this seemed unlikely given Kate’s commitment to non-lethal force, there is now evidence that the notorious crime boss may have been telling the truth, making his current plans for her all the more ironic.

In the original Batman comics, Roman Sionis was a failed businessman who took on the Black Mask persona as a mockery of his shallow parents and the “false face” they presented to the world. The Arrowverse version of Black Mask inverts both aspects of the classic background, with Roman Sionis being successful enough to afford to hire Crows’ Security and his motivations for becoming Black Mask stemming from a desire to avenge the death of his daughter, Circe Sionis, by undermining the hypocritical elites who run Gotham City. Specifically, he plotted to use his False Face Society to strike out against Crows Security, who unjustly jailed his daughter, and the first Batwoman, who Black Mask claimed was responsible for her death. It was unclear how this was possible, however, as Luke Fox noted that he had been with Kate Kane since the very beginning and she had never killed anyone apart from Dr. August Cartwright.


The opening scene of Batwoman season 2, episode 12, episode “Initiate Self Destruct” offered more details as to the circumstances of Circe Sionis’ death and just how the first Batwoman was responsible for it. The scene focused upon a captive Kate Kane, who had been held by Roman Sionis for several months. With the aid of the master hypnotist Enigma, Sionis intended to replace the daughter he had lost with the daughter of Jacob Kane, whom he held responsible for locking up his daughter and setting up the circumstances of her death. As Kate Kane “awoke” in her new identity of Circe Sionis, her true face hidden behind a mask, Black Mask explained to his daughter that she had to wear the mask because her face had been badly burned during a fire when she escaped from Arkham Asylum.

The fact that Circe Sionis was an inmate of Arkham Asylum establishes two plausible scenarios where events may have played out as Black Mask described them. The first was during the Elseworlds event, where Batwoman was among the heroes who stopped a riot at Arkham Asylum triggered by Dr. John Deegan. The second, and more likely scenario, came during the Batwoman season 1 episode “A Secret Kept From All the Rest,” where Kate Kane stormed Arkham Asylum as Batwoman to rescue Luke Fox and Julia Pennyworth from Alice and Hush. Alice released all of the other inmates to cover her escape, resulting in a fire and several psychotic criminals running loose into Gotham City, but Jacob Kane was quick to blame Batwoman for the whole incident in the press.

Given that, it is entirely possible that Circe Sionis might have been an innocent victim of the violence Kate Kane was trying to prevent. It also adds an ironic element to Black Mask’s plan to turn Kate Kane into a replacement for his daughter, not knowing that he is also indirectly getting his revenge on Batwoman at the same time. Then again, given how intelligent Black Mask has been in his plotting so far in Batwoman, there’s a fair chance that he many have done what nobody else in Gotham City managed and drawn a connection between Kate Kane’s disappearance and that of the original Batwoman.

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