Warning: spoilers ahead for Transformers: Beast Wars #12!

The Predacon Blackarachnia has already undergone a litany of well-thought-out retcons in IDW Publishing’s Transformers: Beast Warscomic. But the latest reveal suggests an even greater change is on the horizon for the treacherous Predacon when compared to her original depiction in the Beast Wars animated show.

Of course, the TV series’ Blackarachnia was always treacherous. She was depicted as a conniving villain and oftentimes forced her way into relationships with other traitorous Predacons who sought to usurp Megatron, all to increase her chances of gaining control herself. The earliest indication of this in the show occurred during the Predacon mission to overtake a floating island’s powerful tower. Upon reaching the tower, she took out her partner Scorpinok and then maneuvered the tower to destroy the Maximal base with the intent of attacking the Predacons afterwards. In a later episode, she even teamed up with the king of traitors Starscream when his spark entered the body of Predacon Waspinator.


But during the comic’s three-issue-long epic battle, Blackarachnia makes a startling claim that her TV counterpart would have never suggested. Upon hearing on her opponent Cheetor’s com-link that Optimus Primal defeated Megatron, Blackarachnia says she might have to rethink her allegiances in Transformers: Beast Wars #12 by writer Erik Burnham, artist Josh Burcham and letterer Jake M. Wood. Of course, this isn’t enough to make her defect to the Maximals at this very moment like her former Predacon ally Dinobot. Instead, she jump-kicks Cheetor to the ground so she can escape in her black widow spider form as she says, “But for now? I know when a fight’s lost.

While she hasn’t switched sides quite yet, the animated version of Blackarachnia would never have dreamed of making this move alone. In the TV show, Blackarachnia eventually defected from the Predacons, but she did so kicking and screaming after much pleading from her lover the Maximal Silverbolt. Initially, Blackarachnia spurned Silverbolt’s advances and instead used his feelings to her advantage. Even after she finally made their relationship official, she still constantly refused to come with him to the Maximals. It was only after Megatron tried to use her to hurt Silverbolt that she finally relented and joined the opposing side. But IDW’s Blackarachnia seems to be more capable of treachery in the form of aligning herself with the Maximals if it best suits her.

This is just the latest in a long string of retcons to Blackarachnia’s character in the comics. Even though Beast Wars‘ first big change to Blackarachnia turned out to be false, her debut with IDW Publishing still made her more fiercely independent than her TV counterpart. She even ended up single-handedly brainwashing and possibly destroying all of the stasis-pod-bound Maximals on her own when that honor previously fell on multiple Predacons. The comic’s version of Blackarachnia is far more willing to defect to the Maximals, and this time not due to love and betrayal, but simply to increase her chances of survival. Hopefully, fans will get to see how this different view of Predacon loyalty plays out before IDW ends Transformers: Beast Wars this summer.

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