In 2007, DreamWorks Animation and Paramount Pictures came together for Bee Movie. Created by Jerry Seinfeld, the animated picture focused on the life of a bee named Barry and his determination to find out what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. After Barry escaped the hive to see how the Jocks pollinated, he met a human named Vanessa and learned that humans were stealing honey from bees.

What transpired was an educational film about the life of bees and their connection to human existence. Throughout the film, Seinfeld’s witty humor was sprinkled throughout like a bee with pollen. To see 10 low-key moments that flew over most audience’s heads, keep scrolling!

10 Is There Beastiality Going On Between Barry & Vanessa?

If a child is watching Bee Movie, they may not realize the strange sexual tension between Barry (a bee) and Vanessa (a human). Barry even has a wet dream of sorts where the two are enjoying a romantic picnic together before the two of them take flight. As an adult watching the film, however, it’s cute to see a bee have a crush on a human who’s trying to save his species but it’s totally weird to see mutual feelings coming from Vanessa.

While everyone is in court, lawyer Layton T. Montgomery insinuates that the two are even sleeping together. He asked Barry if he was Vanessa’s “bed bug” and if the two were living together!

9 Is This Code For Pubic Hair?

At the beginning of Bee Movie, Barry is thrilled as he’s getting ready for graduation. He spent time on his outfit and can be seen fixing his “fuzz.”

When his mother sees him grooming himself, she immediately gets involved and starts fixing him up. As she’s patting his backside, she says “You got some lint on your fuzz..,” to which Barry immediately gets defensive and says “Ow! That’s me!” Is this a reference to Barry becoming a man and growing hair in strange places?


8 There Are Plenty Of Incest Jokes

It’s known that the male bees impregnate the queen who then goes on to have thousands of babies. With the queen being every bee’s mother, Barry’s “parents” are obviously not really his own. Nevertheless, with everyone being so closely related, finding a mate is clearly incestuous.

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The movie pokes fun at this fact at the beginning of the film when Adam calls another bee “hot.” Barry quickly jumps in and claims they’re their cousins, but that doesn’t stop them later in the movie from making their move.

7 When Barry Is Trying To Upset His Parents

After Barry’s graduation ceremony, he learns that he has to choose one job that he’ll work at for the rest of his life. Barry didn’t realize that he’d only have one job and not be able to focus on anything else. The idea frightened him and he wanted to take the time to figure out what he wanted to do.

While he’s explaining his frustration to his parents, they ignore him and tell him he should be a “stirrer.” But with them talking over him, he explains that he could say anything he wanted and they’d never hear him. He talks about getting an ant tattoo before shaking up with a grasshopper…

6 Is ‘Bee-Ish’ Code For Jewish?

Jerry Seinfeld is a big deal in the comedy world, thanks to his stand-ups and long-running sitcom Seinfeld. Throughout Seinfeld and in real life, it’s a known fact that Jerry Seinfeld is Jewish. He’s made his religion the butt of a few jokes throughout his career.

In Bee Movie, both Adam and Barry’s mother asked if Vanessa is “Bee-ish.” This may have skipped over people’s heads but it’s a play on religion. In this case, Bee-ish is Jewish. Furthermore, a fan on Reddit realized Barry’s family played up being Jewish by following classic stereotypes Jerry has joked about in the past.

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5 Bees & Crickets

Bees and crickets are obviously different species who don’t mate in real life but in Bee Movie, the possibility of a cricket and a bee having a one-night stand became evident when an older gentleman pipped up in the middle of Barry’s conversation with his parents.

“I dated a cricket once in San Antonio. Man those crazy legs kept me up at night,” the bee said while sitting alone in a booth. His comment was ignored but it’s one of those things parents hope their children didn’t understand.

4 The Bathroom Joke That Flew Over Our Heads

The theme of bestiality becomes more apparent later in the movie. With Vanessa’s man friend, Ken, busy with work, she decides to have a romantic dinner with Barry instead. There’s wine, candles, and nice conversation, which totally points to some type of date.

Ken comes home to the strange date is instantly peeved that his gal Vanessa appears to be having feelings for a bee. While the two are in a standoff, Barry awkwardly says “I’m gonna go drain the old stinger” and flies off to the bathroom.

3 The Awkward Conversation About A Bee’s Biological Parents

While in the courtroom, Mr. Montgomery makes a comment about Barry’s parents not being his biological parents. His dad may be his actual dad but his mom….well, she’s most likely the queen.

Nevertheless, Mr. Montgomery makes it a point that bees are all related to each other and continue to sleep with one another.

2 Adam Essentially Stabs A Man In The Butt

Bee Movie viewers are reminded that once a bee stings something, they usually die afterward. Bees do their best to remain calm in angry situations or else they could die from their anger.

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While in court, Mr. Montgomery is defaming bees and saying they’re illegitimate. Barry’s friend Adam becomes so upset that he stings Mr. Montgomery right in the butt. Or as Reddit so cleverly noted, a lawyer has been stabbed in the courtroom. This play on a bee sting isn’t necessarily raunchy but it sure does have its dramatic undertones.

1 An Awkward Joke About Race

This is one scene in Bee Movie that didn’t age well at all. After Adam is hospitalized for stinging Mr. Montgomery, Barry is reminded that millions of bees are smoked out by beekeepers. While in court, Barry is on a role condemning the acts of the human race, claiming bees have never been asked “smoking or non.”

He claims bees are forced to be addicted to smoke machines and are overworked, before saying they live their lives as “slaves to the white man.” The camera then darts to an African American lawyer scooting away from three white lawers in the courtroom! As a kid’s movie, who would have thought so many inapt undertones would be sprinkled throughout?

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