Ben Affleck confirms that The Flash will mark his last appearance as Batman. Affleck took over the role of Bruce Wayne in the DCEU beginning with 2016’s Zack Snyder-directed Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice.

Affleck’s turn as Batman was of course controversial from the get-go and only became more so after Snyder’s incredibly bleak and violent take on the DCEU was unleashed in theaters. Affleck would later return as Batman for a brief appearance in Suicide Squad and then in Justice League and its expanded Snyder Cut version. There was also for a time talk of Affleck starring in and directing his own Batman standalone movie but those plans fell by the wayside and Robert Pattinson was eventually given the role of Bruce Wayne in Matt Reeves’ The Batman. At that point it seemed a sure bet that Affleck was done with Batman, but it was later announced that he will indeed be donning the cowl one last time, joining the cast of the multiverse-unleashing The Flash alongside fellow Batman actor Michael Keaton.


It has been assumed for awhile now that The Flash will for sure be it for Affleck when it comes to playing Batman. Now the actor has put the question to bed, confirming that his next turn as Bruce Wayne will indeed be his last. In an interview with the Herald Sun (via The Playlist), Affleck spoke fondly of his time as Batman, saying that filming new scenes for Snyder’s Justice League and The Flashput a really nice finish on my experience with that character.”

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It has not yet been revealed what exactly happens to Affleck’s Batman in The Flash – not a surprise given the veil of secrecy surrounding the film. Fans however have plenty of theories about what fate might befall Affleck’s Bruce Wayne in the movie, the most popular one being that Affleck’s Batman actually dies. Affleck’s Batman could also interact in some way with Keaton’s Batman, creating a mind-blowing experience for fans of those two actors’ takes on the Caped Crusader. For his part, Affleck said “My favorite scenes in terms of Batman and the interpretation of Batman that I have done, were in the Flash movie,” so clearly he’s happy with how things came out in the Andy Muschietti-directed superhero film.

Fans of the SnyderVerse of course do not want to hear anything about Affleck leaving behind the role of Batman as they still harbor hopes of more Justice League movies being made with Snyder back at the creative reins. But unfortunately it’s been obvious for quite some time that DC and WB are moving on from the Snyder era, and that also means moving on from Affleck’s Batman. It would surely be a nice thing for Affleck to get a positive send-off in The Flash, but it’s not exactly vital to the future of the DCEU for that to happen. Indeed, Batman already seems secure as a character with Pattinson taking on the role of younger Bruce Wayne and Keaton around to tackle the older version in future projects.

Source: Herald Sun (via The Playlist)

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