Justice League star Ben Affleck says he was billed by Warner Bros. after “stealing” a batarang from the film’s set. The long-anticipated gathering of DC’s top superheroes, Justice League, is finally here, and despite lower-than-projected opening weekend numbers and a mixed reception from the critics on Rotten Tomatoes, fans seem to be enjoying the film nonetheless with a B+ rating on CinemaScore.

Naturally, stars like Affleck and Gal Gadot have been making the last-minute rounds on network TV morning shows and late shows to talk about the film, and in some cases, sharing stories of some of the shenanigans that went on behind the scenes. In the case of Affleck, it appears the actor gave into the temptation of bringing home one of the icon props long associated with the character and used by the Caped Crusader in the film, and it cost him.


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In an interview on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Thursday, Stephen Colbert asked Affleck if he got to keep any of the props he used on Justice League. As it turns out, Affleck jokingly said, “There was some other stuff that fell off the truck, like the batarangs and stuff.” Apparently people noticed, and Affleck says he heard from the studio because of it. He says:

“I kept getting these phone calls from the prop department, like, ‘You sure you haven’t found any of that stuff yet?'”

Yet, Affleck defended his actions, saying, “You can’t exactly have been stealing if you got been billed for it, which is what happened to me. Turns out batarangs aren’t cheap!”

While Affleck didn’t say exactly how much the Warner Bros. prop department billed him for, it likely amounted to a tiny deduction of out of what’s sure to be a pretty hefty paycheck for playing Batman/Bruce Wayne in the DC Extended Universe. Plus, the minor misfortune of “stealing” the prop made for good late-night fodder and some laughs between Colbert and Affleck. Of course, it would be a completely different story if the Batmobile went missing from the set and somehow turned up in Affleck’s garage.

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Movie sets, of course, are packed with memorabilia, so it will be interesting to see if any other members of Justice League will share similar tales of receiving studio bills for props that “accidentally” ended up in their personal possession. Besides, who more than Jason Momoa would love to mount Aquaman’s trident above their fireplace (or aquarium), or Gadot hanging Wonder Woman’s tiara on her hat rack?

MORE: Ben Affleck is ‘Contemplating’ Batman Solo Movie Role

Source: The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Key Release Dates
  • Justice League (2017)Release date: Nov 17, 2017
  • Aquaman (2018)Release date: Dec 21, 2018
  • Shazam! (2019)Release date: Apr 05, 2019
  • Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)Release date: Dec 25, 2020
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