The Last of Us Part II has inspired plenty of debate among critics and non-critics alike (some of it thoughtful; some of it decidedly less-so), but it’s hard to argue against the tense combat players will often find themselves walking into. Stealth is vastly improved upon from the first game and has a bit in common with the tactical espionage action game, Metal Gear Solid V, in fact—if situations in MGSV constantly went haywire, that is.

It’s a good thing the game gives players a larger arsenal this time around, and with plenty of ways to upgrade those weapons. Depending on the difficulty, though, upgrade materials can be scarce and it’s nearly impossible to upgrade everything in a single play-through. This guide will cover the major upgrades not to miss and which upgrades to go for with each individual weapon.


Getting holsters in The Last of Us Part II

Long gun holster

  • Arguably the most important upgrades players will want to find in The Last of Us Part II are gun holsters. Each playable character can get both a long gun holster and a small gun holster. Ellie will be able to find her long gun holster early on Seattle Day 1 inside Barko’s Pet Shop. This store is the middle-most question mark on the above map. In order to get in there, Ellie will have to pick up the key from the coffee shop. On the above map, the coffee shop is where the player icon is currently located.

Small gun holster for Ellie

  • Ellie will be able to pick up the small gun holster on the second day in the garage that is filled with infected (see above). Once in the garage, open the safe with the combo, 30-82-65, and pick up the small gun holster. Both these items will let Ellie change between weapons more easily, which can be a life-saver when she runs out of shotgun ammo and needs to whip out a hunting rifle on the fly.

Gun holsters for Abby

  • Once the player assumes control of Abby about midway through the game, gun holsters will need to be found again. Finding them is a bit more straightforward by this point in the game—the player should have plenty of experience looking in every corner—but the small gun holster specifically can be found at the Martyr’s Gate, right after Abby goes through Chinatown, and the long gun holster is found in a construction office she passes through during shipping yard sequence after she has teamed up with Yara and Lev.
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Best upgrades for each weapon in The Last of Us Part II

Players can choose to upgrade their weapons to fit their play-style, but it is recommended to upgrade the pistol for each character. Ammo for pistols is plentiful and these are especially useful to use as silenced weapons when moving (and killing) through an area quietly. It is also recommended to invest in scopes for any weapon that can be fitted with one. Long-range combat is often the way to go once things get dicey and a scope can be a lifesaver.

Weapons for Ellie

Semi-auto pistol

  • Every upgrade for Ellie’s pistol is useful, but increasing the clip capacity should be prioritized first.

Bolt-action rifle

  • This weapon can serve in close range encounters in a pinch, but it really excels when used for long-range combat. Fit it with a scope as soon as possible. Stability and recoil upgrades are less necessary if the player unlocks the ability for Ellie to hold her breath later in the game.


  • Like the pistol, this weapon should also be fully upgraded, if possible, but the upgrade to quickly reload should be prioritized.

Pump-action shotgun

  • This gun is supremely effective even without upgrading, so resources can be better spent elsewhere first. That said, increasing its capacity is the first thing players will want to upgrade when it comes time to working on the shotgun.


  • A great weapon in its own right, increasing the draw speed should be prioritized over other upgrades. Ideally, though, players will be using their deadly bow before situations get dire and a shot needs to be fired quickly.
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Weapons for Abby


  • As with Ellie, the pistol should be completely upgraded as soon as possible.

Semi-auto rifle

  • Unlike the hunting rifle, this one is better suited to close-range combat. that said, a scope will help and give Abby more versatility in situations that necessitate long-range combat.

Hunting pistol

  • If the player didn’t equip their rifle with a scope, they should do so for the hunting rifle. If the player would prefer to use the powerful hunting pistol for close-range combat, upgrading its stability should be done first.

Double barrel shotgun

  • This weapon, even more so than the pump-action shotgun, has the capability to completely decimate enemies, especially when fitted with incendiary ammo. Upgrade its damage and make it a powerhouse as soon as possible.


  • It never hurts to have another long-range weapon, and with the crossbow’s natural quietness, this one should be upgraded to have a scope even if the player already has another scoped weapon. Upgrading its reload speed should be done next.


  • The flamethrower is a great weapon when called for, but the lack of available ammo means players will use it less often and it cannot be relied upon. If players are short on resources (and they will be), they should be spent elsewhere.

All upgrades can be done at workbenches and the game will easily telegraph to you which weapons you have enough resources to upgrade and in which ways. Take these tips into account, but ultimately the game gives players plenty of leeway to play the way they want to.

The Last of Us 2 is currently available on PlayStation 4.

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