Gustavo Fring (Gus) is unquestionably a man of many talents. A savvy business owner and drug kingpin all in one, Gus’ ability to remain undetected and out of prison is certainly attributable to his intelligence, forward-thinking, and reliable network of employees.

While Breaking Bad showed fans Gus’ well-oiled machine in motion, its prequel Better Call Saul better fleshes out the characters who helped him get to that position. Gus’ employees not only protect his interests (some unknowingly), they also form some of the most memorable and well-liked characters the prequel series has to offer.

10 Cynthia

While Cynthia has not officially appeared on Better Call Saul, there’s still hope she might be able to turn up in the sixth and final season. As the friendly but no-nonsense store manager of the Albuquerque Los Pollos Hermanos in Breaking Bad, Cynthia goes toe-to-toe with cartel members and Walter White and never backs down.

Gus certainly knows how to pick his team members, even if they’re not involved in his private business. When the Salamanca twins refuse to leave the restaurant, Cynthia firmly asks them to leave before Gus intervenes. She also refuses to let Walter bully her into revealing Gus’ location and threatens to call the police on him when he storms into Gus’ office. Come back, Cynthia!

9 Lydia Rodarte-Quayle

Though Lydia Rodarte-Quayle is more of a business partner than an employee, she still reports to Gus and provides distribution and supply to his operation through her position at Madrigal Electromotive. Since they shared no scenes together in Breaking Bad, it’s nice to finally see more of the relationship between Lydia and Gus.

What becomes apparent is that Lydia respects Gus immensely. She visits the prospective lab site at the laundry with him and calls him for advice when having problems with their team. When Mike Ehrmantraut refers to Gus as simply a “drug dealer,” she replies “If that’s all you think he is…then you don’t know Gustavo Fring.”


8 Tyrus

After having a relatively minor stint in Breaking Bad, Tyrus’ history with Gus is expanded upon in Better Call Saul. A trusted enforcer and bag man in Gus’ tight operation, Tyrus gets the boss what he needs and makes sure that things run smoothly with an even smoother personality.

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Tyrus rarely shows any fear or emotional distress, even in the face of danger. When Hector Salamanca’s crew demands extra product at a pickup, Tyrus tells them no, his voice calm and unwavering. After they push back, he ever so coolly whips out his phone and calls Gus, who allows the transaction. His occasional wry sense of humor and all-around reliability makes his return in the prequel a welcome addition.

7 Dr. Barry Goodman

Dr. Barry Goodman first appeared in Breaking Bad as a doctor on Gus’ payroll tasked with saving his life. In Better Call Saul, it’s revealed he works as a physician at the Clinica Gratuita and assists Gus with whatever he needs, whether it’s procuring drugs or discreetly examining Hector in the hospital.

Perhaps most memorably, he rescues Mike Ehrmantraut and tends to his wounds in an unknown Mexican location. When Mike attempts to escape, Barry advises him not to, believing he’d die before making it home. Despite the shady profession he and Gus operate in, Barry feels like an honorable character due to how he helps those in the community who don’t have access to or couldn’t afford healthcare elsewhere.

6 Victor

Victor partners with Tyrus as the primary enforcer in Gus’ drug operation, doing whatever his boss asks of him no matter how messy, or disturbing, it gets. Similar to his partner, Victor is a man of few words but demonstrates a greater penchant to antagonize.

During another dispute with the Salamanca crew, Victor remarks how the Salamanca’s boss isn’t giving orders and is barely even conscious. After Gus kills Arturo, a member of Hector’s crew, Victor and Tyrus stage an elaborate murder scene where they make it appear as though Arturo was killed by another group. They shoot Nacho Varga to give him an alibi and provide him a phone to call for help, to which Victor quips “do it quick before you pass out.”

5 Lyle

Likable for his professional approach (like his boss) and willingness to work hard, Lyle is the clean-cut Assistant Manager of Los Pollos Hermanos. In Season 3, Lyle valiantly attempts to diffuse a troubling situation at the restaurant with Gus’ nemesis, Hector. When he later asks Gus to explain what happened, Gus gives a rousing motivational speech to his team on overcoming fear, to which Lyle leads a passionate round of applause for their boss.

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Under Gus’ watchful eye, Lyle appears to do whatever he can to make sure his boss is satisfied with his work. In Season 5, Gus expresses displeasure over another employee’s supposed cleaning job. Lyle offers to stay late and finish cleaning, which pleases Gus. Afterward, Gus curiously only deems Lyle’s work as “acceptable,” confusing the young manager who just wants to make his boss happy.

4 Gale Boetticher

If this were a Breaking Bad list, Gale Boetticher would very likely be near the top. Though he could return in Season 6, his screentime thus far has been limited to just a couple of appearances. We first see Gale when Gus visits him at his university campus, where he’s hilariously singing a cheery tune about the periodic table.

He’s later seen in what will become his future lab, scoping out the massive structure under Gus’ supervision. While his time in Better Call Saul has been criminally short, he still makes the best of his scenes with his endlessly joyous personality.

3 Nacho Varga

The drug dealer with a heart of gold, Ignacio “Nacho” Varga ascends from being part of Tuco Salamanca’s crew to becoming Lalo’ Salamanca’s right-hand man. However, after growing disillusioned with the drug business and fearing for his father’s safety, Nacho devises an escape plan, replacing Hector’s heart medication with fake pills, hoping to trigger a heart attack.

Gus forces Nacho to secretly work for him after learning of his ruse. Despite Nacho’s solid work, Gus threatens his father’s life to make sure Nacho remains loyal. What makes Nacho so likable, and what makes fans so worried about his fate, is that he’s not like the other players in the drug game. He cares about his family deeply and has a moral conscience, which could be a death sentence in this profession.

2 Werner Ziegler

Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould just continue to write one memorable character after another. The loveable Werner Ziegler is hired by Gus in Season 4 to excavate and build the super-lab below the laundry. In the process, he forms an unlikely friendship with Mike as the pair bond during a night out for rest and relaxation

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Things begin to decay rapidly after Werner potentially exposes the operation and flees his temporary home. Feeling responsible, Mike scrambles to find him while Lalo poses as one of Mike’s guys and gets to Werner first. Mike finally catches up with Werner after he’s already revealed details to Lalo. Mike drives them to the middle of nowhere, where, knowing his fate, Werner tells Mike he’s going to get a better look at the stars in the beautiful New Mexico sky.

1 Mike Ehrmantraut

The tragedy of Werner Ziegler has far-reaching effects throughout Gus’ operations, most notably for Gus’ top man, Mike. After being forced to kill Werner, Mike leaves Gus and begins punishing himself by instigating fights and being left beaten within inches of his life.

Mike has long been a fan-favorite character for his curmudgeon-like exterior and strict criminal code. He’s the guy who’ll refuse to be paid when he doesn’t feel it’s earned and who’ll carry the pain of another’s death heavily. When he eventually returns to Gus’ employ, he demonstrates that he’s not afraid to stand up for what’s right by trying to win Nacho’s freedom. In this world of moral ambiguities, Mike feels like a beacon shining right through the middle of it all.

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