Reality TV series Big Brother has been airing in the U.S. since 2000, with its 22nd season set to debut in 2020. The series puts people into a massive house where they live throughout the summer, competing to be the last person standing to win half-a-million bucks. Each week, someone is evicted and the game continues with plenty of twists and turns.

Throughout the 21 seasons to date, there have been favorite players, villains, controversy, and even romance. But who takes the cake when it comes to the most hated players? Here are 10.

10 Adam Jasinski

Even though he won the game, the jury didn’t really feel good about voting for him. He was a controversial player who made disparaging remarks about disabled children – ironically while also being employed as a public relations manager in real life!

He was your typical fun and funny jock who provided comic relief when needed. But the real hatred for him came after the game when he was arrested for using his winnings to allegedly fund a drug ring. He pled guilty to the charges and spent four years in prison. He has now changed his ways and is working as an addiction recovery consultant.

9 Danielle Reyes

Reyes was hated mostly by others for exactly what you should do in the game: play! However, back in season two when she was runner-up, the jury wasn’t sequestered. This means all of those evicted went home and were able to watch back the aired episodes before returning to vote for the winner. Naturally, after hearing Reyes’ sneaky plans and trash talk in her diary room sessions, they came back bitter and voted for Lisa to win instead.

After that season, the sequester house was born to prevent jury members from seeing anything that could influence their vote.


8 Paul Abrahamian

Abrahamian was so hated by his castmates that he was voted runner-up twice in a row simply because he couldn’t get enough jury votes to beat the person sitting beside him. In both cases, he was probably the more deserving winner. But he refused to own up to his moves and backstabbing and his inflated ego cost him the game.

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He caused a lot of fights in the house, was at the center of many of them and stirred up drama whenever he could. He played the game well and made a lot of friends. But he also made a lot of enemies.

7 Dick Donato

Donato was so hated he was even nicknamed “Evel Dick.” While he played the game well and was adored by fans, Donato wasn’t really well-liked in the house. He played the game with a “don’t care” attitude that managed to get him far. He used intimidation and threats to get people to vote the way he wanted them to and didn’t try to hide his dirty deeds. He owned them.

He not only made it all the way to the end but made it alongside his estranged daughter Danielle. However, many considered him to be a bully.

6 Shannon Dragoo

The personification of a “mean girl,” Dragoo was just a nasty person. She talked down to other people in the house and made fun of others, even implying that one fellow houseguest was overweight. But she totally crossed a line when she scrubbed a toilet with someone’s toothbrush! She aligned with the right people, but clearly she was dispensable because she was voted out ninth.

Still, she remains one of the meanest people to have ever been on the show, and one that both fellow houseguests and viewers didn’t like.

5 Aaryn Gries

One of the most despicable people to ever be on the show, Aaryn was so ignorant to her hateful words that she was totally surprised when she was received with a sea of boos from the audience upon her eviction.

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At the center of one of the most controversial seasons of the show, she made many comments during both live feeds on broadcast episodes that many believed to be racist and homophobic. And alongside talking behind peoples’ backs, she was also just generally mean.

4 Rachel Reilly

While some viewers and houseguests loved Reilly, others couldn’t stand her. From her bossiness to her overly emotional nature (she cried multiple times daily, sometimes for seemingly ridiculous reasons), causing fights, and her grating laugh, there was a lot about her that made her totally annoying.

She forged a close bond with Brendon (now her husband), and that bond helped them dominate the game both times she played. But she still made a lot of enemies in the house, even if viewers seemed to love them.

3 Frankie Grande

Frankie was the center of attention in the house for a while until everyone seemed to turn on him. He was discovered for playing both sides of the house and seemed boastful sometimes about his online persona and popularity, which rubbed people the wrong way.

Grande eventually fessed up about the fact that he was the big brother of pop superstar Ariana Grande and a famous social media personality. But by that time, so many people were over him, and viewers had grown tired of his self-absorption.

2 Jack Mathews

From the latest season, while Jack wasn’t booed like Aaryn was, he was also at the center of controversy relating to ignorant and supposedly racist comments made during the live feeds. Viewers also did not like the way Jack treated women in the house, especially Kemi.

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He walked around the house like he owned it, had a massive ego, and generally rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. Even though he was part of the dominant alliance, viewers, and other houseguests, didn’t like how he was bullying people. In fact, many viewers were even calling for the show to eject him from the game.

1 Jessie Goddarz

Jessie wasn’t so much hated as his narcissism was entertaining. Focused on himself and his attention to his body (he calls himself “Mr Pec-tacular”) you can’t help but roll your eyes whenever he talks.

He was mean to people in the house, tried to run the show, and caused fights almost daily. He was so disliked, or at least considered annoying, that during one recent season, the Pandora’s Box twist saw him unleashed into the house to torment and bother people.

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