This week, Big Brother 22: All-Stars will feature the show’s traditional BB Comics competition for the Power of Veto. There are a few recurring comps that happen every year on Big Brother, such as the Jury Statements competition (introduced on BB3), the OTEV competition (introduced on BB7), the Slippery Slope competition (introduced on BB8), the Wall competition (introduced on BB10, and the Zingbot competition (introduced on BB12), to name a few. On Big Brother 16, the show featured a brand-new POV competition that has come back every year: BB Comics.

There’s no denying that the BB Comics competition is a favorite for many Big Brother fans and players. Between BB16 and BB21, BB Comics has been played six times. The winners for this comp include Christine Varner (season 16), Steve Moses (season 17), Nicole Franzel (season 18), Paul Abrahamian (season 19), Kaycee Clark (season 20), and Nicole Anthony (season 21). This competition is typically featured at the back end of the game and requires several different skills from the players, such as agility, memorization, and power of observation.


The remaining houseguests are going to play BB Comics this week on Big Brother: All-Stars. This competition turns the BB players into comic book characters, which is always very exciting for them and for the fans. The houseguests playing in the BB Comics comp must climb a ladder and zip-line their way down in order to peek through a window that contains the correct order and covers for each BB comic book. Once on the floor, they are given two alternate comic book covers and must remember which one of them is the correct one. The players must also put the covers in the correct order. Then, they press a button to lock in their answers. The player that gets all the correct comic book covers and places them in the right order in the shortest amount of time wins the competition.

As previously mentioned, the Big Brother players must display a variety of skills in order to win a competition like BB Comics. They must be fast enough in order to do the circuit, and strong enough to slow down their way zip-lining, and attentive enough to make fewer mistakes that cause them to redo the circuit all over again. Every year, it’s pretty hard for the fans to accurately predict who has a chance of winning the comp.

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The BB22 players will face the BB Comics competition this week, which definitely means that the season is nearing its end. With only a handful of players left in the house, this comp could make or break their games.

Big Brother 22: All-Stars airs Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8pm EST on CBS.

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