Big Brother 22: All-Stars contestant Nicole Franzel has worked hard over the years to prove herself as a player who is worthy of competing among BB legends. She took her first steps into the Big Brother house in 2014 on season 16. The self-proclaimed Big Brother superfan gave it all she had to earn her spot as the fifth jury member of the season, but wasn’t able to make it to the very end. Nonetheless, just two short years later, Nicole made her way back on Big Brother 18 to give it another shot.

With a different take on the game and some experience under her belt, Nicole Franzel made it to the BB18 finale and ended up winning the $500,000 grand prize by a 5-4 jury vote against Paul Abrahamian. Nicole’s success on Big Brother 18 is what paved the way for her spot on the All-Stars season. This year, she had was given a real shot at becoming the first-ever two-time Big Brother winner. Therefore, it’s time to take a look back at Nicole’s BB career and analyze how she got to where she is now.


Nicole Is A Low-Key Comp Beast

When Nicole Franzel first competed on Big Brother 16, she had an innocent, country girl persona to her. However, over the weeks, the other houseguests quickly learned that Nicole was actually a really strong competitor. Just three weeks into the season, Nicole won her first Head of Household competition. She went on to win HOH two more times, while only once having full control of her reign. That is because BB16 had the Battle of the Block twist. Speaking of the Battle of the Block, Nicole managed to save herself from eviction by winning two of these competitions. Despite being eliminated on day 56, Nicole fought her way back into the game a week later during a battle-back competition. She went on to take the fifth jury seat on finale night. Two years later, Nicole brought her fighting mentality back into the Big Brother 18 house. She started the season out strong winning the very first Head of Household competition of the season. She went on to win another HOH comp on week 10, where she took all control over the house by also winning the Power of Veto competition that same week. Nicole really worked her magic on BB18, never seeing the block until the Final 4. After proving herself to be both a strong mental and physical competitor, Nicole took home the big prize by a 5-4 jury vote, making her the first-ever female contestant on the show to win a season over a male contestant.

Nicole’s Opposing Strategies

Prior to joining the Big Brother franchise, Nicole wasn’t new to the show at all. She had been a huge superfan all her life, and even admitted to creating t-shirts for her favorite alliances on a given season. Needless to say, she had a good understanding of the competition, better than most players. For her first go-around on BB16, Nicole seemed to have taken a little more aggressive take. She then pulled it back a notch for her time on BB18. Nicole is a talker, which can sometimes get her into some trouble. However, this can also help get her out of sticky situations. During her first HOH reign on BB16, Nicole thought he would be a good idea to talk to Donny regarding what her and fellow HOH, Derrick, were planning for the week. Within a matter of minutes following the chat, Donny was already sharing all of this confidential information with the rest of the house. Even though she started the week off with the mindset of getting the least amount of blood possible on her hands, Nicole quickly found herself on the verge of becoming a target simply for talking too much. When BB18 rolled around, Nicole definitely learned from her previous mistakes. She took on a more laid back role in her second season, which benefited her in the long run. Even though she still won a fair share of competitions, her under-the-radar mentality kept her off the block up until the Final 4.

Nicole Is Quirky and Funny

Some of the traits that the Big Brother fans like the most about Nicole Franzel are that she has a quirky and funny personality. While she has definitely proven every season that she is in the house to compete to win, Nicole is also there to have fun. Overall, she has made the best out of every situation that Big Brother has thrown her way. For instance, Nicole holds the record for receiving the most punishment costumes throughout all of her seasons on the show. As if that wasn’t enough, Nicole was also the first houseguest in history to wear different punishment costumes in back-to-back weeks. During week 3 on BB16, Nicole was given her frog costume before being assigned her famous Germitard the following week. As annoying as the costumes can be, Nicole made the best of them. No matter how hard Nicole tried to lay low on BB18, she just couldn’t steer clear of the silly outfits. This time, her costume was different from her past ones due to the fact she actually could benefit from it. Despite how annoying her Super Safety costume was, it granted Nicole immunity from eviction for the week. With all of these crazy experiences that Big Brother has put Nicole through, she managed to make the best out of it all.

Nicole has been through it all inside the Big Brother house. She has won her fair share of competitions, she has remained loyal to those closest to her, and she has learned from her past mistakes – always readjusting her game strategy and mentality. Even more importantly, Nicole has had fun with it all. Without even knowing or planning for it, she has broken Big Brother records during her time on All-Stars. If she were to win BB22, Nicole would become the first player in history to win more than one season of the show. Win or lose, Nicole is a strong player physically, mentally, and socially. Tune in to the Big Brother 22: All-Stars finale on October 28 to see who will take home the $500,000 grand prize.

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