The new season of Big Brother 23 is now in its third week, and the showmance between Christian Birkenberger and Alyssa Lopez is heating up. There have been many popular showmances in the history of Big Brother. Couples like Daniele Donato and Dominic Briones and Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly, also known as “Brenchel,” managed to find love in the house. Big Brother 23 didn’t have any showmances blossom in its first couple of weeks, but now it seems that at least one showmance is in full bloom.

In the first week of the season, then-Head of Household Brandon “Frenchie” French targeted Alyssa because he predicted she would eventually get into a showmance with Christian. Christian was one of Frenchie’s original targets that week but gained safety by winning the Wildcard Competition, so Frenchie, who referred to himself as the “showmance killer,” went after Alyssa instead. He eventually changed his target to Travis Long. Alyssa survived the eviction, and Travis became the first houseguest evicted. Frenchie’s HOH reign was chaotic and caused him to be the second houseguest evicted, but his prediction about Christian and Alyssa was spot-on.


Though reluctant to enter into a showmance in the first two weeks, Alyssa and Christian have gotten much closer in the house. They began sleeping in the same bed at night, cuddling and whispering to one another while their fellow houseguests slept. Then, viewers of the live feeds caught an amusing moment when Head of Household Xavier Prather walked into the HOH room to find Alyssa and Christian kissing under a blanket. The two were embarrassed, and Xavier teased them by saying he knew they were a showmance all along. “You think you’re slick?” he joked.

When Xavier left the HOH room, Christian and Alyssa immediately realized the game ramifications of the incident. Alyssa told Christian she knew they were going to be caught, and Christian complained their games were effectively tanked. So far, houseguests haven’t talked much about targeting Alyssa and Christian because of their showmance. The two seem fairly insulated by their alliance, the Royal Flush, and the entire house is adamant about evicting physical threat Brent Champagne this week. However, things could change in the coming weeks as numbers dwindle and the other houseguests realize how much power a showmance could wield in the house.

It will be interesting to see how the relationship between Christian and Alyssa develops. It could fizzle out and have little impact on the game, but it could also lead to them having more power in the house. It seems that the couple is treading lightly at the moment, but they probably won’t be able to coast in the game much longer.

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Big Brother 23 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8 PM ET on CBS.

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