Kyland Young and Tiffany Mitchell left Big Brother fans shocked after their recent cuddle session seen on the live feeds. Both Kyland and Tiffany are members of the dominating alliance, the Cookout; however, the two allies have butted heads quite a lot this summer. Also included in the six-person alliance are Derek Frazier, Xavier Prather, Hannah Chaddha and Azah Awasum.

The Cookout was formed during the first few days inside the house. Then not long later, Tiffany devised a masterplan to ensure the Cookout’s safety all the way until the final six. As a part of her plan, each member of the alliance made an ally with a houseguest outside of the six. Then these individual pairs would be seen as duos. The intent was for each duo to be nominated together with the security that the group would always have the numbers to keep the nominated Cookout member safe. This plan has been quite successful so far. The only remaining outsiders are Claire Rehfuss, who is closely aligned with Tiffany, and Alyssa Lopez, who is closely aligned with Xavier.


Although the plan has ultimately gotten the group quite far in the game, Kyland and Tiffany have had their fair share of issues over the last two months. Now they have left fans shocked after they put aside their tension and disagreements for a cuddle session late Sunday night. Tiffany is currently enjoying her second Head of Household reign; however, this time, Tiffany has gotten to enjoy the HOH room for the entire week since last week her reign was taken over by the Coin of Destiny winner. With the HOH room comes a ton of privacy, which is perfect for a secret cuddle session. Live feed viewers saw Kyland cuddle up with Tiffany in the HOH bed. He allegedly “spooned her on top of the sheets.” Then Tiffany was seen rubbing up against him before placing her hand on his face as she fell asleep. Many fans believe the two did more than just cuddle underneath the blankets. Twitter user @LyndaShonubi posted a clip from the live feeds (seen below).

This match-up came as a huge shock to many live feed viewers for numerous reasons. For starters, it has been perceived all season long that Tiffany and Kyland did not like each other. Just last week, the two were beefing after Tiffany refused to throw him the HOH win, which was the Cookout’s plan going into the competition. Tiffany has even previously made jabs at Kyland such as, “You were handsome for a week and then you started talking.” In addition to this, many believed that Kyland was in a secret showmance with Sarah Beth Steagall. Sarah Beth was Kyland’s closest ally prior to her eviction last week. Although Sarah Beth claims to have a girlfriend at home, both houseguests and fans questioned her story due to how inseparable she and Kyland were. Now less than a week after Sarah Beth is sent out of the house, Kyland is already cuddling up with Tiffany.

While this may be an odd pairing, there could also be some game logic behind the cuddle session as well. Perhaps Tiffany and Kyland were trying to buddy up to ensure the other would definitely take them to the final two should they make it that far. Or maybe the arguments and tension fans have seen between the two all summer long has led up to real feelings towards each other. Hopefully, they will discuss what transpired in the HOH room in the Diary Room during an upcoming episode of Big Brother.

Big Brother airs Sundays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8pm on CBS.

Source: @LyndaShonubi/Twitter

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