Big Brother 24 houseguests Alyssa Snider and Kyle Capener’s complicated showmance ended just before he was evicted from the game, and now, as she prepares to join him in the jury house, Alyssa reveals whether she would consider reconciling with him. Alyssa, a 24-year-old marketing representative from Sarasota, Florida, and Kyle, a 29-year-old TikTok star from Bountiful, Utah, began their showmance after Kyle tried to resist their romance in order to focus on his game. They eventually professed their love for each other, but Kyle was put in an increasingly uncomfortable position because the members of his secret alliance The Leftovers often made Alyssa their target. Kyle was forced to choose between the alliance and Alyssa several times, until he and Alyssa were sent to Dyre Fest during the Big Brother Split House twist. Kyle revealed The Leftovers to Terrance Higgins and Alyssa, who were both hurt. However, they eventually formed the short-lived After Party alliance with fellow Dyre Fest member Matt “Turner” Turner, so Alyssa and Kyle were briefly aligned on the same side of the Big Brother house.


After the Big Brother Split House twist, Michael Bruner and Brittany Hoopes revealed that Kyle had mentioned to them a few weeks earlier that he was concerned that the people of color in the house, including his own alliance members, had a secret alliance that was similar to The Cookout from Big Brother 23. Kyle had no basis for this suspicion other than race, and he eventually acknowledged the implicit biases that led him to come to this incorrect conclusion. After this revelation, Alyssa broke up with Kyle. She had enough of his controversial actions. She later told her fellow houseguests that she probably would not date him after the show because he was not willing to “die” for her in the game like other showmance partners such as Big Brother 19 couple Jessica Graf and Cody Nickson.

However, in an interview with Heavy after her eviction, Alyssa admitted that she might be open to getting back together with Kyle in the future. She confessed that she was “very nervous” about seeing Kyle in the jury house. She said, “I honestly don’t know where we stand. We had a lot of highs, and we had a lot of lows.” Alyssa is most likely referring to the fact that their relationship was confusing, as they had already broken up and gotten back together once before their last goodbye. They ended their relationship with the understanding that they might be able to reconcile, but Kyle had to focus his energy on righting his wrongs from his racial controversy.

Alyssa went on to say that “there are definitely a lot of conversations to be had” with Kyle. However, she is not ruling out a reconciliation with him. She said, “I wouldn’t cross us off the list of getting back together, so I would say that it’s definitely up in the air until we have these conversations.” Alyssa and Kyle definitely have a lot of things to work out. Their problems that stemmed from the Big Brother game will probably be easier to overcome than the issues that Kyle is facing with learning about his biases.

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Alyssa and Kyle had one of the most complicated showmances in Big Brother history. Usually romantic partners in the game are aligned with each other, so it is easy for them to fight to keep each other safe. Until the After Party alliance, Kyle was faced with difficult decisions as Alyssa was not in any of his alliances. This definitely put a strain on their relationship. Perhaps outside of the Big Brother house, without the pressures of the game, Alyssa and Kyle will find their way back to each other.

The Big Brother schedule for the final week is different from the usual days and times. Check local listings.

Source: Heavy