Warning, spoilers ahead for Big Brother 24!

After an intense double eviction episode of Big Brother 24, during which Terrance Higgins and Michael Bruner were evicted, week 10 began without the Head of Household (HOH) game, but the live feeds revealed that Monte Taylor won the competition later that night. During the first eviction of the night, HOH Michael was able to keep his plan to evict Terrance intact. However, things quickly took a turn for the worse for him when the Big Brother double eviction was announced, because he could not play in the second HOH competition.


Although Monte and Matt “Turner” Turner had made a gentleman’s agreement with Michael not to target each other for the next few weeks, when Turner won the second HOH of the night, they could not resist taking a shot at Michael. Turner nominated Alyssa Snider and Brittany Hoopes for eviction, but, when Monte won the Power of Veto, leaving Michael completely helpless, he saved Alyssa from the chopping block. Turner nominated Michael, and the houseguests backdoored him from the competition.

Now the Big Brother live feeds revealed that Monte won the HOH competition that was played later that night. As the outgoing HOH, Turner was ineligible to play. Monte competed against Alyssa, Brittany, and Taylor Hale in what is believed to be the classic Big Brother black box competition in which the contestants must crawl around in pitch darkness in order to achieve certain goals. The theme of the competition was “Horror Fest,” and the premise was that a murderer was in the house. This was Monte’s second HOH win of the season. He won his first in week 2.

Monte now has some different options for his Big Brother HOH reign. He could remain loyal to Turner and nominate some combination of Alyssa, Brittany, or Taylor. If one of them wins the veto, he could replace one with the other. However, he could also use this as an opportunity to take out Turner, who is a serious competitive threat in the game. Whatever he decides, by winning HOH this week, Monte has a guaranteed place in the Final 4 of the competition.

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Big Brother 24 has been one of the most exciting seasons in a long time. Because of the twists and the blindsides, the houseguests and the viewers never know quite what to expect from week to week. As the HOH at this crucial point in the game, Monte has the power to change the trajectory of the game in order to ensure that he is sitting in one of the Final 2 chairs. This HOH win might be the key to Monte taking home the Big Brother $750,000 grand prize.

Big Brother airs Sundays and Wednesdays at 8 p.m. EDT and Thursdays at 9 p.m. EDT on CBS.