Nicole Franzel is one of the most iconic Big Brother players of all time, but it isn’t necessarily for the best of reasons. She’s easily one of the most hated players in the game’s history. Nevertheless, she managed to come back for a third round in Big Brother 22, the all-stars season, this past summer.

While Nicole’s legacy can’t be disputed, one question remains, is she really an all-star? Does Nicole really carry the weight required to be called an all-star, or has she made too many bad plays in her time to be considered for the role?

10 Is An All-Star: Has Played Three Times

One point in Nicole’s favor is that she’s played the game three times, something very few other houseguests can say. She’s only beaten out by Janelle (ha), who has played the game four times.

Being invited back not once, but twice, to play another season of Big Brother is something that shouldn’t be taken lightly. It’s very rare that the producers invite players back. Still, maybe coming back wasn’t the best idea for Nicole.

9 Isn’t An All-Star: Her Behavior This Season

Nicole’s behavior on the latest season of Big Brother landed her in hot water with her sponsors, losing a few of them in the process. While there are quite a few different examples that fans can point to, chief among them is her laughing at jokes made about fellow houseguest, Ian, who is on the Autism spectrum.

She sat around and laughed as other houseguests made jokes about his coping mechanisms, all while saying she was Ian’s friend to his face. This behavior was truly unacceptable.


8 Is An All-Star: She Can Win Competitions

It might not exactly be what she’s known for in the game of Big Brother, but Nicole certainly has the capacity to win competitions when she needs to.

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While she always finds herself in power alliances, she carries her weight and can win an HOH or Veto competition when she needs to. This is one side of her that isn’t often discussed among fans.

7 Isn’t An All-Star: Her Cody Weakness

Nicole and Cody were an inseparable duo in this season of Big Brother, which is something that will come back into play later on in the list. However, once Cody had won the final HOH of the season, he eliminated Nicole, which she was completely blindsided by.

Had she won the final HOH, she likely would have brought Cody to the final two, and probably lost against him. It’s shocking that she was blinded by Cody in such a way that she wasn’t able to realize what a threat to her game he was.

6 Is An All-Star: Her Showmance Power

Nicole is the master of showmances (which might not exactly be a good thing), having one in each of her first two seasons that played a huge part in bringing her to the end of the game.

Had she not had these showmances, it’s hard to say how long she would have lasted. The way she used them to her advantage, though, is certainly admirable.

5 Isn’t An All-Star: She Won’t Accept Her Role As A Villain

There’s no doubt about the fact that Nicole is a villain in the game of Big Brother. She lies and manipulates to get what she wants, and that is just part of the game.

However, Nicole refuses to accept how she is portrayed and consistently tries to protect her image in America’s eyes, even pretending to be on the verge of tears when she voted to evict Ian. If Nicole accepted her role as a villain and played into it, America likely wouldn’t hate her to the degree that it does now.

4 Is An All-Star: She Made It To Final Three Without A Showmance

It’s often claimed that Nicole wouldn’t have the legacy that she does if it wasn’t for her showmances on her first two seasons. However, Nicole proved the naysayers wrong by making it to the final three on Big Brother All-Stars, with a season full of returning players who know how the game works.

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Nicole did this without the help of a man, which certainly indicates that she controlled her own destiny for the first two times, too.

3 Isn’t An All-Star: She’s Insufferable To Watch

Nicole is not fun TV to watch, she just isn’t. Beyond refusing to accept that she’s a villain, she cries, targets other women, and pretends to be something that she isn’t constantly.

This is noticeable in the show’s edit to a degree but is much more prevalent on the Live Feeds, where fans see everything. Nicole doesn’t make good TV, she’s not a fun player to watch.

2 Is An All-Star: Her Impressive Track Record

While Nicole has a lot of negatives against her, you can’t say that she isn’t a solid player. She’s never been eliminated pre-jury, and has won the game once and made it to the final three another time.

Nicole has the stats to back herself up. Every time Nicole has played the game, she’s placed very well. You just can’t say that Nicole is a bad player, that isn’t true.

1 Isn’t An All-Star: Pre-Gaming

Nicole was involved in the pre-game alliance of Big Brother 22 that tainted the game to a degree that it wasn’t able to recover. While it’s unknown just how involved in the alliance Nicole was, she clearly had an agreement with Cody going into the game, and it’s also been alleged that she got Derrick and Dan kicked off of the season by ratting them out to production.

This pre-game alliance basically ruined season 22, and Nicole was a huge part of that.

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