It’s typically very important for houseguests to win lots of competitions on Big Brother in order to get to the finale and build a solid track record that will earn them the $500,000 grand prize, but it isn’t always true that a season winner needs to also be a comp beast. To win Big Brother, a player needs to master a variety of skills. For instance, the game’s inherent social element makes it very hard – and near impossible, to be frank – for anyone to get far in the competition without having several solid relationships.

In turn, it is also very hard to win Big Brother with just a great social game. It has happened time and time again that these masters at social skills are purposely not taken to the end by alliance members due to fear that they’d win every single jury vote. To counter that scenario, the players usually need to win at least a few competitions in order to further their own journeys on the show and not rely solely on allies. Alas, there were season winners that got deliberately taken to the end despite their clear chances at winning the grand prize, which is a testament to their expertise in playing the game and manipulating their co-stars.


Two players share the best competition track record for a Big Brother winner in the history of the show: BB21 winner Jackson Michie and BB22 winner Cody Calafiore. They both won four Head of Household comps and four Power of Veto comps, totaling eight comp wins. Kaycee Clark is another season winner with a comp beast track record, having won two HOHs and five POVs on BB20. The list goes on to include six-time comp winners Rachel Reilly (BB13), Ian Terry (BB14), and Steve Moses (BB17), all of whom won four HOHs and two POVs. On the opposite end of the spectrum is Dr. Will Kirby, who won BB2 without winning a single competition on the season – a truly impressive feat that no one else could have managed to pull off.

When it comes to Big Brother winners with five competition wins, the list features Drew Daniel (BB5), Dan Gheesling (BB10), Hayden Moss (BB12), and Andy Herren (BB15). This ranking goes on to include Mike Boogie (BB7), Evel Dick Donato (BB8), Derrick Levasseur (BB16), and Josh Martinez (BB19), all of whom won four competitions on the respective season that they won. Not mentioned yet are BB3 winner Lisa Donahue (three comp wins), BB4 winner Jun Song (two comp wins), BB6 winner Maggie Ausburn (two comp wins), BB9 winner Adam Jasinski (three comp wins), BB11 winner Jordan Lloyd (three comp wins), and BB18 winner Nicole Franzel (three comp wins).

Looking at how many competitions each season winner conquered, it is safe to say that there are many paths to winning Big Brother. Hopefully, BB23 will be an exciting season with a well-deserving winner for the fans to root for.

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