With Big Brother being such a long game, the first houseguest to be evicted each season is oftentimes forgotten. With the game lasting the entire summer, and only getting longer in recent years, it can be hard to remember the first boot by season’s end, let alone years later.

Some, however, made quite the impact in their short stays. Including All-Star seasons or people evicted on day one due to twists would be obvious choices, but plenty of people who were evicted under normal circumstances by their peers voting them out are still remembered to this day.

10 Sheryl Braxton, Season 2

Sheryl has the distinction of being the first-ever houseguest evicted by her peers rather than a viewer vote. While she may not have been particularly memorable during her one-week stay in the Big Brother house, the circumstances around her eviction make her a part of BB history.

Sheryl was the first example of one of the show’s commonly used phrases; the pawn always goes home. She was nominated by future BB champion Mike, or “Boogie”, as a pawn to ensure Nicole went home instead. Nicole was able to plead her case to the house, flipping the vote to send home Sheryl instead. Nicole would place in second that season, showing future houseguests how the show’s new format can breed entirely new strategies for survival.

9 Mike Lubinski, Season 5

Being nicknamed “The Don” is a high-risk, high-reward proposition. If Mike were to go far into the game, his nickname would live in infamy, being such a hard-hitting name. If he were to head out early, it would be an epic fail, having such an intimidating nickname for a weak performance. Unfortunately for Mike, he was evicted first in a unanimous vote. He was memorable compared to other quick boots, though.

Mike attempted to form an alliance to challenge the Four Horsemen, one of the most dominant alliances in Big Brother history. Unfortunately for Mike, HOH Jase and Veto winner Scott were both members of that alliance, making Mike an easy target. He only made things worse for himself by getting into a heated confrontation with the two in power, sealing his fate. He was constantly abrasive and harsh around his opposition, which was ultimately bad for his game, but great for drama-seeking viewers.


8 Parker Somerville, Season 9

Appearing on the unique Season 9, the same factors that made the season different also sunk Parker’s game. He deserves a second chance on the show, having made an impact in his short time playing the game.

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His season featured the duo twist, with each player appearing in a duo that would be evicted as one. Parker was randomly paired with Jen, who quickly rubbed her fellow houseguests the wrong way with her confrontational behavior. Parker was well-liked and seemed to be very aware of everything in the house, but the house wanted Jen out immediately. Parker was quickly eliminated as collateral damage as the first evictee alongside Jen. His constantly trying to do damage control was unfortunate to see, as he definitely showed flashes of potential.

7 Brian Hart, Season 10

Another first evictee who would be an interesting recast, Brian was a victim of not being too prepared and playing way too hard, way too fast. His warp-speed gameplay caused a turbulent week one, and one of the best starts to a season ever.

Brian had grand plans, pitching nominations of Memphis and Jessie to the HOH, Jerry. Both Memphis and Jessie were physically imposing houseguests who had the potential to be tough opponents. Brian was almost successful until the rest of the house all realized he was playing them, making conflicting deals. He was backdoored in a 9-1 vote, but not before he caused chaos with his overplaying of the game.

6 Annie Whittington, Season 12

As the face of one of the most hated twists in BB history, Annie is unfortunately associated with arguably the biggest flop the show has ever seen. The highly anticipated and hyped up “Saboteur” twist came with big promises to alter the game, with one houseguest tasked with intentionally messing with the house dynamics. This houseguest was Annie, who was quickly ousted in just a week.

Annie herself did not do a whole lot out of the ordinary, but she will be forever discussed alongside the twist. It was a bit of an embarrassment for production, having spent so much time planning out and advertising this twist, just for it to end before it can even impact anything. Annie arose moderate suspicion of being the saboteur, but so did some other houseguests. She was mainly targeted for being close with Brendon and Rachel, and then evicted for her sulking and complaining after being a replacement nominee. It is nearly impossible to separate her from the oft-discussed twist though, making her extremely memorable.

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5 David Girton, Season 15

David may have been one of the funniest Big Brother houseguests, but for all the wrong reasons. At times he seemed like he came out of a generic summer movie, being your stereotypical, chilled-out, California-born surfer. It seemed almost unreal at times, all the way down to the way he spoke and dressed. Even his official profession was listed as lifeguard.

To make matters worse, he quickly formed a showmance with Aaryn and a close alliance with Ginamarie. Those two are considered to be some of the rudest and cringiest houseguests in Big Brother history, so viewers’ perception of David quickly went from goofy surfer boy to airheaded jerk. To make him even more memorable, he was the first victim of the season’s MVP twist, being the third nominee for the week via the MVP.

4 Joey Van Pelt, Season 16

Joey formed a quick bond with viewers of her season, and she arguably is the most liked first evictee. She was voted onto “Team America”, an alliance of viewers’ favorite houseguests, but was sadly evicted before being able to do much with it.

She tried to make an all-women alliance, but it unfortunately was detected early, with Joey even openly admitting its existence. This immediately put a target on her back, despite the fact that she was aware there was a strong male-run alliance in the house. This led to a bizarre display of her pretending to be a male named “Alex” to point out the hypocrisy behind women constantly being targeted for creating women alliances, unlike the men who do the same. Despite some finding this display to be one of the cringier scenes Big Brother has had, others applauded her resistance to the norms of the game.

3 Jace Agolli, Season 17

Jace may be remembered more negatively than positively, but it is still a memory either way. He was accused of bullying the eventual winner Steve, using intimidation tactics to get his vote. He did eventually apologize, but it was still a terrible look.

On a more positive note, he did show perseverance many early boots simply did not. He fought till the very last second to save himself and swing the votes around, trying his hardest to make deals and convince people he would be good to keep around. He ultimately failed and only received one vote to stay, but appearing Big Brother would be a dream come true for many, so viewers do not like seeing people give up. His commitment to the game was refreshing.

2 Jozea Flores, Season 18

One of the most out-of-touch cast members to ever enter the BB house, Jozea’s game was over before it even started. He had a deluded perspective of what was going on in the house, and thought way too highly of his own game. This led to a quick exit, as the house quickly grew tired of his act.

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He called himself “the Messiah” on multiple occasions, claiming the newbies all reported to him and that he would be the one to get the three veterans out. The awkward part of this was that he told that to Da’Vonne, who was a veteran herself. Jozea will be eternally remembered for his hysterical misinformed views, packing in a season’s worth of misfires in a week.

1 Cornbread Ligon, Big Brother Over The Top

Appearing on the only fully digital version of the show, not all fans saw Cornbread’s season. Any fans who want to see how not to handle an eviction should definitely check this season out. Cornbread lays out the perfect guide of how to go out without an iota of grace, as he had one of the most classless exits from the show.

He quickly got off on bad footing, eliminating fan-favorite Jason from the first HOH competition. With fan voting being an integral part of this season, Cornbread was voted onto the chopping block, before imploding in the house. He was quite paranoid and didn’t get along with many of his housemates, partially due to not having much in common with them. He exited the host screaming “f*ck y’all!” to everyone and avoiding any goodbye hugs.

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