The reality competition series Big Brother has had some iconic scenes through its seasons, from fights and shocking evictions and betrayals to funny and even sentimental moments.

The long-running reality series has also seen a diverse list of winners, including those who ran the game the entire way through, either blatantly or covertly, to those who were deemed “floaters,” coasting to the end while others did the dirty work or, as cast members like to say, “got blood on their hands.” Among the last 10 winners, there have been some particularly notable moments.

10 Cody Calafiore (Season 22): Evicting Nicole

The face Nicole made when Cody decided to vote her out after winning the final HoH, then during her walk to join the rest of the jury, was priceless. She was convinced that Cody would take her to the end since they had been working together from the beginning and were friends outside of the house as well.

The scene when Cody made the difficult move to vote her out, strategically knowing he had a better chance of winning against Enzo, was an iconic one for Nicole, but for Cody as well. He was right, it should be noted, as he is among only a handful of past winners to have won by unanimous vote.

9 Jackson Michie (Season 21): The Fight With Holly

Jackson’s time in the house was marred with controversy from the beginning when he was accused of targeting only minority players to vote out after becoming the first to get power in the house. Then, his treatment of his showmance partner Holly was frowned upon.

When he had the big blow-up fight with Holly, however, it did not sit well with fans who did not appreciate his tone and words. While he later apologized, and the pair dated for some time after the season ended, it remains his most memorable scene, albeit for all the wrong reasons.


8 Kaycee Clark (Season 20): Being Announced Winner

It was a monumental scene when Kaycee was named the winner of her season. She remains the second Asian-American to win the show (Jun Song was the first) and only the third-ever BIPOC player to win, joining Song and Josh Martinez (fourth counting Tamar Braxton, who won a celebrity edition of the reality series.)

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Clark is also only the second-ever member of the LGBTQ+ community to win the series, joining Andy Herren with this distinction. While she dominated the latter half of the season, tying records to win two HoH competitions of five of the final six POVs, the one scene that stands out is when host Julie Chen read the final vote naming her winner over fan-favorite player Tyler Crispen.

7 Josh Martinez (Season 19): Pots & Pans, Beating Paul

Josh has the honor of having two iconic scenes, both of which are equally as memorable. The first was during his intense fights with the other side of the house, including Cody and Mark. In an attempt to purposely annoying them, he ran around the house banging pots and pans together. It was a juvenile move some fans called bullying, and it has become a thing of memes.

The second was Josh’s expression when he was announced as the winner. Both he and Paul were convinced that Paul would win. But, as it turned out, Paul wronged more people than Josh and was deemed a villain who deserved to get second place for the second time in a row.

6 Nicole Franzel (Season 18): Beating Paul

Another season involving Paul, he was certain that he did everything he could in the house to win. He orchestrated many of the evictions as the puppet master of his alliance and doled out intimidating threats. But, as it turned out, there’s something to be said for a good social game as well, especially when the people that are wronged are the ones who make up the jury.

The one thing Paul was lacking was a good social game. Because of this, several houseguests vengefully voted for Nicole because they did not like the way he played the game. This meant Nicole took out the win, and her victory walk was her most iconic scene that season.

5 Steve Moses (Season 17): Evicting Vanessa

Steve, one of the most underrated winners, sealed his win when he made the smart decision to vote out Vanessa in the final three, knowing that she had ruled the house the entire time and was a shoo-in to win had he been left to compete against her.

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While many felt that Steve was a floater who didn’t deserve to win, he pulled out competition wins when it mattered. He won three of the last four HoHs and playing strategically, albeit quietly, all the way through.

4 Derrick Levasseur (Season 16): Revealing He Was A Police Officer

This moment didn’t happen until the finale after all the votes were cast and host Julie Chen was discussing the season with all of the houseguests. Derrick stood and revealed the truth about his occupation that he had kept a secret from them: he was actually a police officer, and more specifically, also spent time as an undercover detective.

Derrick called out Frankie Grande for being the only person to guess the truth and also thanked Nicole for saying he was “too cool to be a cop.”

3 Andy Herren (Season 15): The Double Eviction Double Cross

While Andy is considered one of the “floaters” who didn’t play the game hard but just rode others’ coattails to the end, that isn’t entirely true. He did switch sides often, which houseguests did not appreciate since he wasn’t really loyal to anyone. But that was obviously a strategy that paid off.

But Andy was also partly responsible for one of the best double evictions ever in the history of the show. Andy flipped his vote then managed to convince McCrae that it was Elissa who did it, leading to McCrae voting out his own ally. Andy’s frantic conversations in the short time between evictions with McCrae and Elissa, and his genius strategy that fans call snaking, were worthy of an Emmy.

2 Ian Terry (Season 14): The Veto Win

Ian was the strong, silent, yet also very strategic player who came from behind to completely obliterate the competition, even beating out one of the game’s “greats,” Dan Gheesling. In the final stretch of the game, Ian won four Head of Household competitions, earning him a spot on the top 10 list of HoH competition winners in a single season.

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But it was Ian’s POV win in the double eviction when Dan tried to get him out that marked a truly memorable scene for the player. Ian was visibly proud of himself for pulling out the win at a time when he knew he would be going home if he didn’t. The strength and confidence he showed at that moment were amazing, as was the way it forced Dan to rethink his entire strategy.

1 Rachel Reilly (Season 13): “Floaters, Grab A Lifevest!”

Rachel had a lot of iconic scenes like her showdown with Ragan when, after she was released back into the house via a Pandora’s Box twist – one of the most creative twists from the show – (from season 12 when she did not win), she tormented the Have Not by offering his fresh baked cookies when she knew he couldn’t eat anything but Slop for the week. The pair had one of the rivalries from the show that fans could never get over, which led to many iconic scenes between them.

But Rachel’s most iconic moment came when she addressed all the houseguests who were against her. After winning a competition to save herself from eviction, she yelled “floaters, you better grab a life vest!” addressing all of the players she felt were coasting through the season without making big moves.

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