Fans of SpongeBob SquarePants love his good friend Patrick Star as much as the title character himself, so what could be more fitting than to give him his own spin-off series? Titled The Patrick Star Show, the spin-off centered on SpongeBob’s close buddy will hit Nickelodeon on July 9th with 13 episodes. Even better, it’s bringing back several SpongeBob voice actors.

These include Bill Fagerbakke as Patrick Star and Jill Talley as Squidina Star. Talley previously voiced numerous different characters on SpongeBob, most notably Karen Plankton, while Fagerbakke made Patrick into the staple of SpongeBob that he is today. SpongeBob fans will certainly want to mark their calendars for the debut of The Patrick Star Show.


We speak to Fagerbakke and Talley about their roles in The Patrick Star Show, what’s it’s been like returning for the Patrick-centered spin-off, and what the show has in store for SpongeBob fans.

Bill and Jill, how are you doing today?

Bill: Hey, great!

Jill: Hey Brad!

Bill: So, are we supposed to rant, or are you going to rant?

Haha, nah, you guys go ahead and rant! Let’s start with your role on the show and what it’s been like being a part of it.

Bill: Oh, man, it’s, what a gift to be given. First, I had to been able to do this great character for a couple decades and work with all of these wonderful people. And now, they’re doing this whole right turn with Patrick, and just exploring the world of Bikini Bottom even further. And now, this actor Jill you see before you, I don’t think we’ve ever had dialogue together. We’ve worked together for 20 years –

Jill: That was in my contract, Bill. I said ‘Whatever happens, I don’t want to talk to Bill!’

Bill: I am not going to talk to that robot lady! So, we’ve never spoken really in an episode, and here we are and I get to work with Jill after working with Tom [Wilson] for 20 years, and now Jill and I get to have this great dynamic. It’s really cool, it’s so much fun, it’s so goofy. I love it.

Jill, what was experience like for you?

Jill: Well, I think the transition to playing Bill’s sister, Patrick’s sister, is an easy one because we’ve been friends now for 20 years. We know each other really well, we know each other’s families. In a weird way, SpongeBob, it sounds so corny to say, it’s like a family. But it really is, I mean, in the time that we’ve worked together, we’ve had kids, our kids have graduated, there have been weddings, there have been babies born, we’ve lost the creator of the show [Stephen Hillenburg], which was devastating for all of us, and we had that experience together. So, we kind of are a family, so playing a character that’s Bill’s sister is not that hard. I mean, it kind of comes naturally, cause I feel almost like his sister. The more attractive, smarter, sister if you will! No, it feels natural, you know, and the transition feels pretty fun and natural, I’m excited.

So, what can SpongeBob fans really expect from The Patrick Star Show?

Bill: You know, I think the things that we really love about SpongeBob and the things that we love about how SpongeBob lives in Bikini Bottom and interacts with every moment of every day, I think that all of those dynamics are right in the Patrick show, only with a different flair. Marc Ceccarelli and Vincent Waller have taken this new kind of twist into more – it’s almost incoherent. It really jumps around, and it take surprising steps. It’s a show within a show within a show within a show, and it’s really wonderful. I find it dazzling, and I sure hope that folks and all the fans enjoy it.

Jill, what are some things you’re really looking forward to SpongeBob fans seeing out of The Patrick Star Show

Jill: Well, I think they’re in for such a treat, because this show is kind of like if you could take a journey into the mind of a kid. It’s just like ‘What’s happening, what’s next?’ You know how like kids can just conjure anything or make up anything, that’s what this show’s going to do, and the animation is going to be crazy different, like here and there. And the writing is going to be so similar, in the sense that you have the same world and some of the same characters, but it’s going to be different in the directions that it goes and the twists and turns, and there’s going to be a lot of surprises. I think people are going to love it, it’s going to be really fun.

Sounds like it’s going to really be something for SpongeBob fans. Bill and Jill, thank you guys so much for your time, and looking forward to seeing The Patrick Star Show drop come this July.

Jill: Thank you!

Bill: Awesome, thank you for the time!

Take care!

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