After a year-long hiatus, Season 5 of Billions is back and with it, all the egoistical characters that have always made the Showtime series an unmissable saga. Though the tales are structured around questionable financial practices in the hedge fund sector, the show is more about power than money. Almost every character is keen on getting to the apex and having as much control as possible.

A couple of characters have distinguished themselves as way more powerful than the rest. The members of New York’s high society have financial power, social power, political power, or a combination of the three. And since most of them don’t play nice, they never hesitate to use their influence to punish rivals and push their own agendas.

10 Jack “Black Jack” Foley

The New York State power player is fittingly nicknamed “The Kingmaker.” His ability to pull strings makes or breaks the careers of most influential people.

The extent of Foley’s power is underscored through both Chuck and Axe’s experiences. Chuck considers running for governor but his father informs him that he has to appease Foley for that to happen. Chuck predictably struggles to do that since Foley has a preferred candidate in Sweeney. Foley’s power also manifests itself when Axe struggles to revive the Sandicoat deal after the Kingmaker kills it. Axe’s attempts to bribe Foley’s associates fail since no one is willing to betray The Kingmaker. In the end, it takes Axe organizing a “Man of The Year” award to please The Kingmaker.

9 Grigor Andolov

Grigor is a Russian oligarch whose network consists of the heads of state of authoritarian governments. As the stereotypical Russian villain, he enjoys intimidating and killing. A true indication of just how powerful an individual is can be seen by how other people jump over each other to court them.

Both Axe and Taylor seek Grigor’s investment, despite his questionable dealings. And to ensure high performance, he makes it clear that whoever loses his money might just die. It’s one of the worst decisions Bobby Axelrod makes since Grigor has him on a 24-hour watch. Grigor’s influence even makes him bully a hockey franchise, forcing the players to prove themselves to him in a match.

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8 Waylon “Jock” Jeffcoat

He is the Attorney General of the United States and the man whose position Chuck covets. Jock knows this so he also plays his own game to bring the ambitious attorney down.

The Attorney General is considered the chief law enforcement officer in all jurisdictions in the US, meaning Jock has more authority than most characters on the show. Jock’s power benefits him in a major way by facilitating the ease of access. He is able to monitor everything that happens in Chuck’s allies and as a result, he is able to recruit most of Chuck’s buddies to his anti-Chuck mission.

7 Charles Rhoades Sr.

Chuck’s father, Charles Rhoades Sr., is misogynistic and condescending. His goal is to make sure his son becomes the man he wants him to be. He can also request any powerful person in New York for a favor.

Charles’ network is the true measure of his power. From politicians to billionaires to judges, he has them all on speed dial. Chuck might be bright but if daddy hadn’t pulled some strings for him, he wouldn’t be where he is today. Charles easily qualifies to be one of the worst TV dads of the past decade but he hardly sees his bad traits as a problem. So long as he has success, he is good.

6 Wendy Rhoades

As Axe Capital’s therapist and in-house performance coach, Wendy is tasked with ensuring that each employee is at their mental and operational best. She is also in an odd position since her husband Chuck and her boss Axe are enemies.

Wendy has been described as “unfirable” by Wags. Being the best in her field makes her able to command even her bosses. Whenever she has requested a salary increase or bonus from Axe, she has been granted. Her husband Chuck has much respect for her too due to her financial power. During an argument, she stated that she makes eight times more than him. And it’s not just the employees that value Wendy’s advice as both Axe and Chuck place much importance on her words.

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5 Bryan Connerty

All is well for Chuck’s right-hand man Bryan Connerty in the beginning when he is serving as the Chief of Securities and Commodities Fraud Task Force. Sadly, Chuck fires him thus putting him on a vendetta path that leads to his downfall.

Connerty rarely finds himself in a situation where his hands are tied. His position has enabled him to acquire evidence easily on some of the biggest fraudsters and send them to jail. And he not only has power but he has friends in powerful places too. After falling out with Chuck, he teams up with the U.S Attorney General who facilitates his appointment to U.S Attorney, an even greater position.

4 Mike “Wags” Wagner

Axe Capital’s COO never appears to be doing much in the office but being Axe’s right-hand man has made him very influential. And unlike other employees, Wags lives life to the fullest by engaging in all forms of debauchery.

That he has the ear of Axe is further corroboration of the influence Wags holds. To Axe, everything Wags says is gospel, no matter how ridiculous it is. Like Axe, Wags is also allowed to fire employers, and in this show, that’s a great position to be in. He can’t hire anyone but his recommendations always carry much weight.

3 Chuck Rhoades

The New York Attorney General is one of the best characters in Billions, in general. He has a track record of nabbing fraudsters and at the start of the series, it is reported that he has won 81 insider trading cases in his career.

Chuck’s social power is admirable. He knows everyone that needs to be known, hence making it easy for him to obtain favors. His dad is partly to thank for this, but Chuck is his own man. He has been shown to be a great thinker, capable of coming up with the best of strategies hence keeping him ahead of his enemies. Some of his high-ranking contacts are people that he installed himself, such as Southern District of New York judge Adam DeGiulio.

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2 Bobby “Axe” Axelrod

As the CEO of one of America’s few multi-billion hedge fund companies, there is little that Axe desires and can’t get. The only thing he has to worry about is people that are out to get him, such as Chuck and Prince.

Axe’s financial might is only matched by a few other characters on the show. He has enough money to hire anyone he wishes, then give them salary increments and bonuses without pondering much over it. Even Taylor is forced to come back and work for him after quitting to form a new company. His social standing is solid as well, thanks to his philanthropic ways.

1 Taylor Amber Mason

Taylor starts as an intern and quickly rises to be the CIO with a stupendous salary of $1 million. They later start their own company before being forced back to Axe Capital.

Taylor is powerful because they control Axe with ease. Of all the people the billionaire interacts with, Taylor holds the most influence over him. The CEO doesn’t question anything that the quick-witted employee suggests because he has concluded that they can do wrong. Taylor’s thirst for even greater power leads them to start their own company and when they do, their pull enables them to not only attract powerful investors but also to poach a key Axe Capital employee in Mafee.

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