Spoilers for Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade#1 ahead!

In Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade #1, Marvel gives readers a tantalizing look at a new, unique team of Avengers that operate in medieval times! The intriguing and mysterious new group recently made their debut in the all-new story starring Dane Whitman.

Over the past decade, and coinciding with the rise in popularity of the Avengers-centric Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel has expanded the Avengers franchise in new ways. In addition to multiple teams, Marvel has revealed there have been teams of Avengers working in different eras – the first was the Avengers of 1,000,000 BC, a team that first appeared in Jason Aaron’s Avengers run; the team includes Odin, the first Phoenix Force Host, the first Black Panther, and Agamatto, among others. And now, Marvel has introduced the next team of Avengers, a team fighting against evil during Earth’s Middle Ages.


Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade #1 opens with the Black Knight fighting a horde of magical creatures alongside the Avengers. Interspersed with the fight scenes are confessions from the Black Knight about his mental state and he reveals he is set to meet an academic, Professor Jacks, who has a specialization in medieval history. Black Knight seemingly perishes in the battle, but readers learn his body is back at his castle. Professor Jacks arrive and the butler escorts her to the chamber where the Black Knight lays and when she touches the Ebony Blade, she has a vision of Camelot, the period of the first Black Knight. She then sees a vision of a group of warriors, including a woman with angel wings, a werewolf wearing knight’s armor, a red-haired archer as well as characters from other parts of the world beyond Europe. Jacks then sees a vision of Camelot in all its splendor and glory before being snapped back to the present. Whatever magic Jack invoked also restores the Black Knight to life.

Professor Jacks’ vision of these heroes raises many questions. None of these characters gets a name and readers can speculate at best on their powers. Do any of these new Avengers have ties to the modern-day team?  Do they have any ties to the Black Knight? And most importantly: when do fans get to see them in action?

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The prehistoric Avengers was just the start – now fans have met the Avengers of the Middle Ages, and hopefully, readers do not have to wait long to see more of them. Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade #1 is written by Si Spurrier with art by Sergio Davila, inks by Sean Parsons, and colors by Arif Prianto. It is available in stores now and on all digital comics platforms.

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