Black Panther is destined to lose his throne to the daughter of his god, Bast. The Marvel Universe is a place of wondrous mysticism, where the ancient pantheons are real. Indeed, some of them – notably the likes of Thor and Ares – have even served among the Avengers. Let’s face it, it’s pretty hard not to believe in such divine beings when you can watch Thor fly through the sky overhead, or when armies of Valkyrie clash with Dark Elves in the streets of New York.

Wakanda has always had a positive relationship with its god, Bast, the Egyptian Panther God who chose the tribe of Bashenga as her own millennia ago. Bast has blessed the Black Panthers with supernatural power, and unlike many deities, she interacts with her chosen one’s time and again. Bast is capricious and unpredictable, though, and the Black Panthers often struggle in their interactions with her. Celebrating the current popularity of Black Panther, Marvel has just published a groundbreaking anthology of short stories called Black Panther: Tales of Wakanda. Some of these stories appear set in the MCU, others in the comic book continuity, and one of the most fascinating – “Faith” by Jesse J. Holland – shines a light on Bast’s plans for Wakanda.


The story sees T’Challa approached by Bast, who reveals the rule of Wakanda is destined to come to an end. Bast has sworn to give Wakanda to her daughter, Nefertiti, who prefers to be called “Neffie.” She was brought up in an Egyptian family who had settled in New Orleans. Neffie is no stranger to hardship and frankly has no respect at all for Bast – much to her mother’s amusement. “Bast may be my creator and my god,” Neffie tells T’Challa in one scene, “but where was she when we were flooded out of the Ninth Ward during Katrina, and my mother had to send us to her parents in Egypt? Where was she when lung cancer took my father?

The story sees T’Challa and Nefertiti go head-to-head for the rule of Wakanda in a thrilling confrontation that explores what it means to have faith in a god you can actually interact with, a mercurial deity whose influence on people’s lives is as unsettling as it is empowering. Bast watches with delight, allowing the conflict to shine a light on their hearts, learning more about them, and deciding on the fate of Wakanda. In the end, Bast concludes Neffie is too young to rule Wakanda, too inexperienced and impetuous; she takes Nefertiti to the Ancestral Plane in order to train her. One day, Neffie will return to Wakanda and claim it as her own – but it’s impossible to say whether it will be in one year or one million. Time has a different meaning for the gods.

“Faith” is one of the most intriguing stories in Black Panther: Tales of Wakanda, shining a light on the relationship between Black Panther and the Panther God. Amusingly, the story even sees Bast turn into a matchmaker, as she suggests there is one way for both T’Challa and her daughter to get what they want – an idea Neffie rejects, but nonetheless seems quietly interested in. One final moment sees Bast tease T’Challa in an encounter sometime later; “She asked about you the other day,” Bast tells him in a musical sing-song voice, and you can almost hear the Panther God wink. Hopefully, the comics will bring Neffie back, as a challenge – and even potentially a lover – for Black Panther.

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