Spoilers for The Avengers #45 ahead!

Blade is Marvel’s premier vampire hunter, and in Avengers #45, he steps into a new role: the Sheriff of Vampire Town!

Vampires, including Dracula and the daywalker Blade, have been a part of the Marvel Universe since the early 1970s, but have made a resurgence in comics in the last five years, largely during Jason Aaron’s run on Avengers. A previous story arc saw the Avengers caught up in a vampire civil war which ultimately reestablished Dracula as the leader of the emerging Vampire Nation. Aaron’s run also saw Blade join the titular team, first only to help them fight the Vampire Nation and then later on a permanent basis. Vampires were instrumental in helping repel the King in Black’s invasion, and now they are demanding a nation of their own – a move that both Blade, and the Avengers, have thoughts on.


From his base in Chernobyl, Dracula makes his demands on worldwide television. No one is more surprised and angry than Blade. He tells Black Panther he is actually fine with the vampires having their own nation because they will all be in the same place the “next time [he] goes to kill them all.” Panther informs him that because the Avengers are chartered by the United Nations, that would be an act of war. Furious, Blade decides to resign from the team, but Panther informs him of another option. When the Avengers, including Blade, arrive at Chernobyl, Dracula taunts them, making it clear he will not respect the rule of law. Then, Blade informs Dracula that if the vampires want their own homeland, then they must play by the rules, and he will be the one to make sure they do. Blade declares himself the “Sheriff of Vampire Town,” with a badge to boot.

Since joining the Avengers, Blade has been forced to reconsider his role in the Marvel Universe. For many years, he worked in the shadows, but now he is part of a United Nations-sanctioned superhero team, leading him to feel way out of his element. That almost came to a head here, but Black Panther was able to talk him down and convince him to stay with the team. Blade agreed to do so, and in the process, may have just found his niche in the Marvel Universe after all.

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While it remains to be seen if Dracula and the rest of the Vampire Nation respect the Avengers and the United Nation’s demands, they can rest assured Blade will be there to stop them if they do. Fans can see Blade step into his new role in Avengers #45, written by Jason Aaron with art by Luca Maresca and colors by David Curiel; the issue is available now in print and digital.

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