Although the narratives in the Blade trilogy are incredibly dark, the bleak vampire-infested world and looming threats haven’t stopped some characters from becoming fan favorites. The most likable among them are unsurprisingly the ones who strive to change the status quo and protect humanity from the bloodsuckers.

From the badass protagonist, Blade, to the hilarious ex-vampire, Hannibal King, there are a lot of likable characters in the films. The least likable ones are unsurprisingly antagonists like Deacon Frost and Drake, but even among them, there are villains with admirable traits.

10 Deacon Frost (Blade)

Frost is at the center of some of the best action sequences in Blade, particularly when he becomes La Magra or the blood god. Most fans would agree that whatever form he takes, though, he’s a despicable character through and through.

As the main antagonist of the first movie in the trilogy, there’s nothing good hiding behind Frost’s objectives. He wants to rule over the human race and will stop at nothing to prove that vampires are superior, sacrificing members of his own kind to achieve his goals. He’s an evil character who’s easy to hate, which is also why it’s so satisfying to watch Blade take him down in a badass way.

9 Drake/Dracula (Blade: Trinity)

As the first-ever vampire in existence, it’s not surprising that Dracula (better known in the modern age as Drake) is a powerful creature with a terrifying goal. He believes that only the strong should survive, regardless of whether they’re vampires or humans.

Despite his twisted beliefs, Drake seems to follow a code of honor. He mentions how only he and Blade know how to live and die by the sword and even commends the protagonist with his dying breath after the final battle. His strange principles don’t make up for the thousands of lives he has taken, though, and definitely do little to remove the image of him holding a baby hostage on top of a building from viewers’ heads.


8 Scud (Blade II)

Audiences should’ve known Scud was up to no good from the moment he referred to himself as “the Scudster,” but fans can’t be blamed for falling for his endearing personality. Even Blade didn’t think that the witty weapons provider was a traitorous Familiar.

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Fans likely felt just as betrayed as the protagonist when Scud turned the weapon on Blade and started mocking him for being “too human.” Since he’s likable for most of the film and really only evil for a few minutes before he’s blown up by Blade, viewers will hopefully remember him more for the good times than the bad (but that’s highly unlikely).

7 Jared Nomak (Blade II)

Some of the best fights in the Blade trilogy involve the frightening Reaper, Nomak. He’s introduced as a terrifyingly powerful vampire who preys on his own kind, driven by an unquenchable thirst for blood. He can’t help but be drawn to it and has to feed more often than a regular vampire would.

Fans later learn that Nomak is just another victim of Eli’s quest to produce a superior version of the vampire race. His tragic backstory certainly doesn’t excuse his murderous actions, but it is still upsetting to watch him confront his father and show him the horrible creature he’s been turned into.

6 Dr. Karen Jenson (Blade)

Dr. Karen is an innocent human who gets caught in the crossfire and is thrust into the world of vampires. It’s fortunate that she happens to be a hematologist who can both cure herself and provide a more effective serum for Blade.

She does show that she can fight, especially in the scene where she’s locked up with her undead ex. Karen also helps Blade with her own blood after he’s drained for Frost’s ritual. That said, she isn’t a particularly memorable character and she mostly goes along with what Blade and Whistler happen to be doing.

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5 Nyssa Damaskinos (Blade II)

As a pureblood and a Damaskinos, Nyssa holds vampiric principles close to her heart. She despises Blade at first, as she believes he’s simply in denial about his true nature. She realizes that the world isn’t as black and white as she thinks when she learns about her father’s deception, though.

Nyssa becomes more likable as she develops a closer relationship with Blade. The Daywalker makes her question her own allegiance and she picks the right side by helping Nomak corner Eli. She doesn’t do enough to redeem herself, but she at least tries to do the right thing in the end.

4 Abigail Whistler (Blade: Trinity)

Although she’s only introduced in the third movie, Abigail has quickly become a fan favorite. Along with Hannibal, she’s at the center of a group that’s adapted straight from the Blade comics called the Nightstalkers.

Abigail joined her dad, Abraham, in his mission to hunt vampires full-time. She’s a badass sharpshooter who likes to listen to curated playlists when she fights. There’s a moving moment after her friends’ deaths when she reveals she isn’t as strong as others may think. The only way she could become an even more likable character is if she appeared a bit longer and could match Hannibal’s humor.

3 Abraham Whistler (Blade Trilogy)

Whistler is Blade’s closest friend and father figure who accompanies him throughout the course of the three films, at least until his untimely death in the first few minutes of the third movie. He’s a reliable weapons provider and confidante who used to be known as a powerful vampire hunter in his younger years.

No matter what the situation is, Whistler always prioritizes the mission. He understands that Blade should go on even without him around, so he makes sure to help him understand that it’s important to make connections with other humans. His heartbreaking death was almost too painful to watch and most fans likely hoped he would come back again somehow.

2 Blade (Blade Trilogy)

It’s no secret that Blade is a fan-favorite character, what with his badass fighting skills, cool weapons, admirable principles, and sometimes witty lines. He’s quiet but strong and when he does speak, he says some unforgettable quotes.

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As a Daywalker, Blade is much stronger than most vampires in the films, but he chooses to use his abilities for good. He does everything he can to protect humanity, risking his life over and over again by going against incredibly strong opponents. He’s willing to sacrifice himself if it means taking down baddies like Dracula. He would be the most likable character if it weren’t for Hannibal’s gut-busting humor and charming personality.

1 Hannibal King (Blade: Trinity)

Without a doubt, the ex-vampire Hannibal is the most likable character from the movies. Even though he only appears in Blade: Trinity, fans won’t forget how witty, crass, and humorous he is all throughout.

Despite having a somewhat dark backstory, Hannibal chooses to see the funny side of things. He provides some much-needed comic relief in Blade’s bleak world and, although the protagonist may never admit it, quickly becomes his friend. The trilogy wouldn’t be the same without his impressive fighting skills, great origin story, and clever one-liners.

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