With The Mandalorian season 3 set for an early 2023 release, the series may finally see the long-awaited conflict between Bo-Katan and Din Djarin. Jon Favreau seemingly confirmed a Mandalorian season 3 theory that there will be some civil unrest concerning the leadership of Mandalore. Until this point, Bo-Katan and the Mandalorian have been cordial, but with the ownership of the Darksaber hanging in the balance, that could change, raising the question of who would win a fight between Bo-Katan and Din Djarin.


The Mandalorian season 3 will likely see a trajectory change for the show. The previous seasons and parts of The Book of Boba Fettcentered around Din Djarin’s journey to return Grogu to his kind, the Jedi. At the end of season 2, Grogu ends up in the care of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, who intends to teach him the ways of the Force. Ultimately, Grogu chooses the Mandalorian over the Jedi way, reuniting the two once again. With the Jedi storyline behind them, this leaves more exploration for Mandalore and its political and societal structure.

It is certainly possible that who wins the one-on-one battle between Din Djarin and Bo-Katan is different from who will likely end up wielding the Darksaber and ruling Mandalore. The Mando has expressed no desire to lead Mandalore, but his loyalty to his code compels him to wield the Darksaber and assume its responsibilities. On the other hand, Bo-Katan wielded the Darksaber unceremoniously and has aspirations of uniting her people once again. That unbridled ambition could likely make Bo-Katan the villain in The Mandalorian season 3. However, based on what is known about both so far, it is likely that Din Djarin would get the best of Bo-Katan in one-on-one combat.

Why The Mandalorian Would Win In A Fight Against Bo-Katan

Din and Bo-Katan are, by all accounts, formidable even by Mandalorian standards. Bo-Katan has risen through the Mandalorian ranks, becoming lieutenant of the Death Watch, Commander of the Nite Owls, and for a brief time, ruler of Mandalore. While her individual accomplishments are laudable, Din’s feats give him a slight edge. Din Djarin mainly works alone, whereas Bo-Katan is usually in a team’s company making him better suited for head-to-head combat. As an individual, The Mando was able to defeat a Krayt Dragon, Paz Visla, the descendant of the creator of the Dark Saber, and Moff Gideon. The latter two battles give him more experience in battling for the Darksaber than Bo-Katan, who was gifted the blade when she wielded it.

The two have a familiar opponent in Ahsoka Tano, albeit at different points in the famed Jedi’s life. Bo-Katan engaged a younger Ahsoka losing a brief battle despite the Jedi not using her lightsaber. Din briefly battled a more mature, stronger Ahsoka to a stalemate in their encounter. Ahsoka likely would have defeated the Mandalorian had the fight been more serious, but the result is still praiseworthy given that the Jedi was able to go toe-to-toe with Darth Vader.

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Why The Darksaber Is So Important To Mandalore’s Future

The Darksaber has a long history within the Star Wars universe. The one-of-a-kind blade was created by Tarre Vizla, the first Mandalorian Jedi and ruler of Mandalore. After Vizla’s death, the weapon was stored at the Jedi Temple until members of the clan liberated the blade. Shortly after, the Darksaber was used to unify Mandalore and became a symbol of leadership for Mandalorians. It became a tradition that to wield the sword, it must be won in combat against the previous owner. This is why when Bo-Katan was in possession, it was contested by some clans because she did not acquire it according to tradition. With Mandalore purged and clans divided, the Darksaber is now more important than ever. Since the rise and fall of The Empire, the weapon has been in the possession of a few non-Mandalorians, which explains why Din Djarin kept the blade after his ex-communication. Assuming he can regain his Mandalorian status, the blade being back in rightful hands could once again unify Mandalore.

Can Bo-Katan Ever Reclaim The Darksaber?

Even if she cannot defeat Din Djarin, Bo-Katan may end up with the Darksaber. Star Wars is big on redemption arcs, and her previous pitfalls regarding the weapon loom over her. If she can rightfully win the Darksaber in battle, she could rectify her past mistakes and finally unify all Mandalorians again. Bo-Katan is a born leader, and with her combination of battle prowess and political history, she is perfect to lead Mandalore into the future. She may not need to beat Din in the upcomingMandalorian season 3, as it is possible he could lose the rare lightsaber to someone else, and Bo-Katan could defeat them. It is unlikely that Din would rechallenge her as he has not shown interest in being a leader and prefers to work alone, except in exceptional cases.

The show’s mix of new characters and established history has made the show a standout among recent Star Wars content. As hinted by Jon Favreau, The Mandalorian season 3 may introduce new Mandalorian factions as well, who may also seek to wield the Darksaber. The new season might also give the first live-action look at Mandalore, introducing more details about the famed planet.

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