As an unaltered clone of Jango Fett, it’s inevitable that Boba Fett would be similar in many ways to his father, but The Mandalorian confirms that Boba is more like Jango than Star Wars ever suggested. Like Jango, Boba grows up to become one of the galaxy’s greatest bounty hunters, and he wears the same Mandalorian armor as his father. He even describes himself as “a simple man making his way through the galaxy,” an understatement once used by his father.

As shown in the main Star Wars saga, Jango and Boba are both superlatively skilled Mandalorian bounty hunters who wear weapon-laden Mandalorian armor and fly the unique Firespray Pursuit Special, the Slave I. Both are generally morally “grey” characters who play the role of henchmen for the villainous Sith or crime lords in their respective films. The two also meet their ends (seemingly, in Boba’s case) due to jetpack malfunctions. The Legends universe delved deeper into both Jango and Boba, revealing even more similarities. Jango, who hails from the Mandalorian world of Concord Dawn, lost his family to the brutal Mandalorian splinter group called the Death Watch. Jango was only ten years old when he became an orphan, and he immediately joined the true Mandalorians as a child soldier in their civil war against the Death Watch. Jango eventually became the Mand’alor, the name of the leader of all Mandalorians.


The Legends version of Boba Fett was also orphaned at age 10 when Jango was killed by Mace Windu on Geonosis. Shortly after the rise of the Galactic Empire, Boba moved to Jango’s homeworld of Concord Dawn and was the planet’s Journeyman Protector (planetary defense and law enforcement official) for a time, the same job that Jango’s father once had. Years after the original trilogy, Boba retired from bounty hunting and returned to the Mandalorian homeworld, succeeding Fenn Shysa as the Mand’alor. What the 14th episode of The Mandalorian reveals, however, is that the similarities between the two go even farther than what’s shown in the original and prequel films. Chapter 14: The Tragedy answers key questions about the origins of Jango, Boba’s claim to his signature beskar armor, and references these character and story elements from the original Star Wars timeline, and the Expanded Universe (aka Legends), potentially bringing exciting Legends lore into the current canon.

In the current canon, Jango and Boba’s status as Mandalorians wasn’t entirely clear until the latest episode of The Mandalorian. In season 2 of The Clone Wars, Almec, the Prime Minister of Mandalore’s new pacifist government, claimed that Jango was a pretender who somehow acquired Mandalorian armor. This was based on comments from George Lucas himself, stating that neither Fett is a true Mandalorian. George Lucas has also stated that Luke Skywalker never gets married (he does in the Expanded Universe) and Palpatine never returns from the dead (he does in both continuities), and Almec himself is shown in later seasons to be a corrupt and untrustworthy villain who allies himself with the Death Watch (Jango’s enemies in Legends). Chapter 14 of The Mandalorian officially confirms that Jango is a Mandalorian foundling, and references both his participation in the Mandalorian Civil War and his mentorship under Jaster Mereel. Even if he hasn’t pledged himself to Mandalorian culture yet, the current canon’s version of Boba has a rightful claim to his beskar armor.

In addition to potentially bringing back Jango’s Legends backstory, the current canon also emphasizes a major similarity between Jango and Boba: Their sense of honor. Both Fetts are professionals who keep their word and do whatever job they’re hired for to the best of their ability. Hondo Ohnaka, a pirate captain and associate of Jango, spoke highly of Jango and his sense of honor to a young Boba, who would demonstrate the same honor in his own career as a bounty hunter. Even during a personal mission to kill Mace Windu and avenge his father, Boba tried to avoid killing Clone Troopers, though his more bloodthirsty and dishonorable companions had no such reservations (much to Boba’s disgust). This same sense of honor was shown in The Mandalorian, where Boba helps Din Djarin attempt to rescue the captive Grogu, despite having already reacquired his suit of Mandalorian armor.

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