Louise Belcher is arguably one of the most interesting members of the Belcher family. She’s the youngest of the children but the most conniving and often times gets her siblings stuck in bizarre schemes. She is often recognized for her pink bunny ears and “not backing down” attitude.

Throughout the seasons, Louise has gotten herself in quite a bit of trouble. Some of which she rightfully deserved due to the fact that it’s hurt other people. In other cases, audiences have felt bad for Louise because she was wrongfully blamed or got her feelings hurt. Here are some examples of when Louise deserved what was coming to her and when audiences felt she deserved better.

10 Felt Bad: Bob Gets Stuck On The Toilet

To pass the time in the restaurant, the Belcher kids come up with fun games. One of them being “gooped.”Louise decides to goop the restaurant toilet for Gene’s daily bathroom routine.

This is where audiences feel bad for Louise. She used Teddy’s special glue unaware of what it really was. Bob becomes the goop victim and just so happen to have an important interview with a magazine. Louise feels incredibly guilty and responsible for her father’s misfortune. Even more so since it meant getting publicity for the restaurant and becoming a laughing stock of the town.

9 Well Deserved: The Ambergris Scheme

Fans of the show are aware that Louise likes money or the potential to become rich. In the fourth season, Louise gets the opportunity to become filthy rich when they find ambergris. Ambergris is a valuable product for perfumes. Lousie and kids originally plan to sell it to a buyer at the wharf.

Greed gets the best of Louise and she double-crosses her accomplice, Mickey despite warnings from her siblings. Money makes people do bad things. Louise got what she deserved when Tina steals back the ambergris and chucks it in hot frying oil.


8 Felt Bad: Bob And Gene’s Bonding Moment

Louise isn’t really a girly girl or is into dolls or playing princess. Which makes her an ultimate daddy’s girl. She genuinely prefers spending time with Bob than with Linda. Bob understands her better. Audiences felt bad when Gene took away her spotlight and her friend.

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In “Spaghetti Western and Meatballs,” Gene and Bob bond over a western film series called “Banjo.” They end up spending so much time together that Bob starts to push aside Louise and their favorite games. Louise gets rejected by the one person that really mattered.

7 Well Deserved: The Fake Burobu Cards

Like any kid, Louise becomes obsessed with a card game called Burobu. It’s a slug version of Pokemon. Louise is close to collecting all the cards but needs a couple more. This is when audiences chastise Louise. Louise and the other kids were banned from trading cards in school.

Louise couldn’t wait for after school and sneakily trades cards while in the library. To make matters worse, she buys fake cards online in order to trade for the valuable ones she’s missing. In the end, she and the kids get caught and their cards are confiscated. Louise deserved this punishment for lying and for not being patient.

6 Felt Bad: Bob’s Garden Is More Important

In a previous episode, Louise starts a feud with a teenager named Logan. He originally stole her most precious possession, her bunny ears. This created a solid rivalry. In “Late Afternoon in the Garden of Bob and Louise,” fans felt bad for Louise.

Bob desperately wants to get into the community garden run by Cynthia and the only way to do so would hurt Louise. He hires Logan to work at the restaurant which infuriates Louise. She feels betrayed that Bob would hire her enemy just for a garden. He then proceeds to not take her feelings into account and calls his plants his “babies” while in front of his actually baby, Louise.

5 Well Deserved: Thanksgiving Bloody Guts

Kids generally don’t like school and the same goes for Louise. She sees the opportunity to get out of their half-day early before Thanksgiving break. This involves a lot of scheming and convincing Mr.Frond to let them host the annual play. The reason Louise deserved her guilty feeling is because of her manipulation.

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She manipulates Tina into using her Thanksgiving play unaware of Louise’s real intentions. Louise even gets everyone else on board with her plan. To really call off the play, Louise buys bloody guts from a butcher so they can explode all over the audience. When it actually happens, Lousie realizes her horrible mistake and just how much it hurt Tina’s dream of hosting her play.

4 Felt Bad: Helping Save  A Student Getting Bullied

Even though Lousie can be a great evil mastermind, she’s still a good person at heart. This really showed through in “Thelma & Louise Except Thelma is Linda.” Fans were upset that Louise got in trouble and in-school suspension for doing the right thing.

During lunch, she saw that pocket-sized Rudy was being bullied and no one was going to help him. She decided to stick up for him and pull down the pants of the bully. This resulted in Louise getting in trouble with Mr.Frond despite her actions being for justifiable reasons. Louise is then chastised for helping fight against bullies and Linda agrees only because she wants to do the bake sale.

3 Well Deserved: Almost Electrocuting Tina

In “Topsy” the path to revenge gets the best of Louise. When a substitute science teacher destroys Louise’s science fair project and says she has to do it on Thomas Edison, she’s furious. To get back at the teacher, she takes matters into her own hands. She learns that Edison once electrocuted an elephant.

She sees it as a perfect opportunity for revenge and to destroy the teacher’s role model. Her need for revenge leads to an outcome that she deserved feeling bad over. In the trial run, Tina is almost electrocuted. During the presentation, she believes she really did when Tina is laying on the floor. Louise can’t believe what she had possibly done to her sister.

2 Felt Bad: Her Destroyed Bike

Many fans had ill feelings towards a new neighbor in “As I Walk Through the Alley of the Shadow of Ramps.” Fans felt bad because the new neighbor really bullied Louise in a way an adult shouldn’t and for no real justifiable reason. As the episode progressed, it got worse.

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It then took a turn when the neighbor inadvertently runs over Louise’s cherished three-wheel bicycle. Fans felt bad for Louise not only for the bullying but for the neighbor’s disregard for Louise. The neighbor later learns the bike was trapped under her truck and tore it to shreds. The bike was a symbol of Louise’s childhood.

1 Well Deserved: Rudy’s Birthday Party

Louise’s need to carry out her plan can lead to hurting people she cares for. At Rudy’s birthday, she gets into a war with another little girl’s birthday party over a bouncy house. She gets everyone, even Rudy, involved in sabotaging her birthday and stealing the bouncy house.

This led to getting in trouble with the park sheriff and “jailed.” Louise single-handedly ruined Rudy’s birthday for her own selfish needs. Rudy even blows up at her for what she did. All he wanted to do was act out a script he worked really hard on.

NextOnce Upon A Time: Things From Season 1 That Haven’t Aged Well

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