A highly entertaining and funny show, Bob’s Burgers grabs the attention of viewers every season. From the show’s first season, fans are given characters to love, hate, and love to hate. These characters and their personalities are what makes the show the success that it is.

With each character introduced in Bob’s Burgers, fans are provided with a character that they can relate to. From quirky Tina, sarcastic Louise, fun-loving Linda, and eccentric Gayle, fans found things in these characters that were equal parts likable and relatable, but, for every great trait a character has, they also possess toxic ones as well.


Jimmy Pesto Sr.

Not the most supportive father, Jimmy Pesto Sr is the dad of Andy, Olli, and Jimmy Jr. He’s also the arch-enemy of Bob, who makes it his mission to taunt his rival with the achievements of his restaurant compared to Bob’s Burgers. His deceitful character is proven in “Bye Bye Boo Boo,” as it is revealed that Jimmy’s last name is actually Poplopovich and was changed to give the illusion that he was an authentic Italian running an authentic Italian restaurant.

Jimmy’s character pulls out all the stops to be the better man in his vendetta against the Belcher patriarch. The overall need to be perceived as a winner overshadows his need to be a good father and neighbor.

Jimmy Pesto Jr.

The dancing king of Bob’s Burgers, Jimmy Pesto Jr. is the crush and love interest of Tina Belcher. Jimmy is a complex character, viewers never really know what he’s thinking. However, fans are aware of his inconsistent feelings for Tina. In the season 5 episode “Can’t Buy Me Math,” Jimmy shows interest in Tina once he thinks she’s dating Daryl, and when he finds out this is not the case, he loses interest in her. Jimmy often strings Tina along with a little affection here and there.

With his sometimes inconsistent feelings towards Tina and indecisive nature, Jimmy can come off as cold and uncaring. His character is expressive with his feelings for dance, however, the same can’t be said when it comes to his relationship with Tina, making him a toxic partner.

Mr. Frond

A guidance counselor who’s not very good with kids, Mr. Frond was not made to be a leader. Frond’s self-centered advice to the students at Wagstaff contradicts the definition of a guidance counselor. In “The Quirk-ducers,” Frond is manipulated by Louise and the other Belcher children to put on a play that doesn’t follow school guidelines and easily accepts the play idea because of his selfish need to make a name for himself.

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His lack of empathy is dangerous to the development of the kids at Wagstaff. In the episode “Lobsterfest,” Frond suggests to the kids that the hurricane approaching the town is due to something they did wrong, with Frond forcing a student to disclose something he’d told the guidance counselor in confidence. His behavior surely puts Frond in the running for the most toxic guidance counselor ever.

Louise Belcher

Manipulative is Louise Belcher’s middle name. Her ability to manipulate at 9 years old is impressive and worrisome. She enjoys making others sweat, using aggressive tactics to get what she wants. Although she loves her family, she’s not above manipulating them if it means that she achieves her end goal.

In season 2, Louise manipulates bank robber Mickey into believing he’s been chosen to have an essay written on him. During this call she convinces him to release Tina’s money (not hostages), aggressively assaults a cop, and throws a few tantrums along the way. It’s hard to feel bad for Louise when she does these things, however, fans must remember that she is still a child – and a funny one at that.

Linda Belcher

Linda Belcher has given plenty of bad advice – not only to Bob but to the kids as well. She has provided the Belcher kids with a wide range of terrible guidance about lying, cheating, stealing, and so much more. Her poor advice has led to some bad situations for both her and the kids. She uses her position as a mother and adult to make her way seem right and superior.

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In “The Unnatural,” Louise convinces her mother to sell Bob’s new espresso machine for money, with Linda readily agreeing, committing the theft with Louise in tow. She enjoys stealing the machine and commits to lying about doing so with Louise. Her lack of regard for Bob’s opinion is very prevalent over the course of their marriage with her willingly giving money to her sister Gayle whenever she needs it, never consulting with Bob beforehand.

Tammy Larsen

With a friend like Tammy Larsen, who needs enemies. Tammy is the mean girl at Wagstaff and the frenemy of Tina Belcher. She is obsessed with being the center of attention and making sure that no one steals her spotlight, including Tina.

In “Broadcast Wagstaff School News,” Tina and Tammy audition for the school news program, with Tammy manipulating Tina into bombing her audition with bad advice. Tammy proceeds to spread gossip that Tina is the “mad pooper” committing serial poops around the school when Tina’s news broadcast (Tina News) begins garnering more attention than her own, making her a fun but toxic character to watch.

Millie Frock

Delusional as they come, Millie Frock is a fourth-grader convinced that her and Louise are best friends. However, Louise sees Millie as anything but a friend, attempting to avoid her at all costs. Nevertheless, Millie goes to great lengths to control Louise to make her become her best friend and this makes her one of the worst side characters in Bob’s Burgers.

In the episode “The Millie-churian Candidate,” Millie runs for student body president as a way to control and manipulate Louise into being her friend by initiating a Besties system However, this does not go as planned, and when Millie finds out another girl would be besties with Louise, she strangles her with her own braid leading to her disqualification in the student president running.

Felix Fischoeder

Felix Fischoeder is the selfish and narcissistic younger brother of Mr. Fischoeder. He is presented as being temperamental and a little unstable when he can’t seem to get his way.

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Felix is not above murder to get what he wants and almost commits such an act in the episode “Wharf Horse.” When he can’t convince his brother to tear down the Wonder Wharf for condos, he ties Bob and his brother up under the pier so when the tied rises the two would drown. Talk about a dysfunctional family.

Calvin Fischoeder

Another sibling enabler, Mr. Fischoeder is the older brother to Felix and the wealthy landlord of Bob. He uses money to get what he wants, and attempts to bribe Bob to keep quiet about Felix’s attempted murder of the two men in “Wharf Horse.”

When it comes time to state who is behind everything, he blames his own girlfriend to make sure that his brother isn’t charged with the crime. He’s the shadiest man in town and makes it clear that money talks.


Gayle is the eccentric and impressionable younger sister of Linda and aunt to the Belcher kids. Gayle is known for her crazy cat lady quotes, but her eccentricities are nothing compared to her manipulative behavior when it comes to her sister and Bob. Gayle’s ability to manipulate her sister into giving her whatever she wants, using her poor lifestyle and loneliness as a way to acquire money, attention, and even Bob is impressive.

In “Gayle Makin’ Bob Sled,” Gayle fakes an injury for attention and Linda makes Bob head over to help her make it to their place for Thanksgiving. At one point Gayle attempts to seduce Bob, has Bob complete her house tasks, and becomes a full-on crazy cat lady when she makes Bob pull her and her cats through a full-blown snowstorm.

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