Here’s the ending of Roxanne Benjamin’s survival thriller Body At Brighton Rock explained. Survival dramas typically find the protagonists forced to survive against either the elements, pursuers or a combo of the two while making use of limited resources. Some famous examples of the subgenre include Deliverance, the original Rambo First Blood or even The Martian. Body At Brighton Rock was added to the list in 2019, which sees part-time mountain park employee Wendy (Karina Fontes) becoming hopelessly lost in the wilderness and later discovering a dead body.

Despite being billed as a horror movie, Body At Mountain Park is more of a drama with bits of horror thrown in. Wendy spends most of the story alone and has to overcome her worst fears and self-doubt when she’s ordered to stay with the body until rescue comes. The movie received somewhat mixed reviews, with the slight story being stretched a little too thin throughout its 85-minute runtime and the twist ending is somewhat obvious, though Karina Fonte’s performance was singled out as a highlight.


Body At Brighton Rock’s turning point comes when Wendy discovers just how lost she is, and as she attempts to retrace her steps back, that’s when she finds the dead body of a man. She manages to call her superiors, who force her to stay there overnight until authorities can find her. The body is also mangled, so it’s unclear if the man died in a fall or some other force was at work.

Another hiker named Red (Casey Adams) later discovers the body, though his slightly creepy nature – which includes searching the corpse – makes Wendy suspicious and she orders him to leave. Body At Brighton Rock’s horror kicks in when night comes, with the movie hinting the corpse may not be so dead. This leads to a couple of sequences where it seemly comes to life in zombie form, with one being a nightmare and the other seeing Wendy’s mind playing tricks; the latter leads to her accidentally spray herself with bear repellent.

She literally comes face to face with her own fear, telling the mangled face of the body she’s not afraid. She survives the night, and after getting injured during a climb she’s stalked by a murderous Red, who presumably was responsible for the titular Body At Brighton Rock. After he attacks her she kicks him off a ledge to his death. Adding to her bad day, she’s later mauled by a bear – with the bear spray coming in handy at this moment – before being rescued by the sheriff and other rangers; on a side note, the sheriff is played by The Fly’s John Getz, with his daughter Hannah Getz being the movie’s cinematographer.

Body At Brighton Rockends with Wendy asking who the body belongs to, and she’s shown the picture of a missing hunter – Red. It turns out he’s been missing for some time, and he was killed after being attacked by a bear. Since the bear got a taste for human blood, this is why it attacked Wendy. She reveals she saw Red as the hiker she spoke to the day before, and the movie ends with her laughing while overlooking the park. While it was likely just a gag to scare her, Wendy’s co-worker Maya told her the park was haunted earlier in the movie, which may explain Red’s appearance.

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