What would BoJack Horseman characters do if they were suddenly thrust in the merciless Westeros? While it’s true that Hollywoo is nowhere near as cruel as the Game of Thrones universe, it’s still a place where power dynamics run the game. The saddest BoJack Horseman episode endings are right up there with the Red Wedding.

Based on what they value the most and what their personality is like, each character would find home in a different Game of Thrones house. Some characters are simply way too innocent and pure to ever make it in a place as dark as Westeros, but others would fit right in.

10 Judah Mannowdog: House Arryn

Just as the Vale and House Arryn are far removed from the drama that’s going on in the rest of Westeros, so does Judah seem unfazed by Hollywoo’s lively atmosphere. This reserved man is one of the most likable characters on BoJack Horseman.

Judah could easily be compared to Jon Arryn, the best hand of the king one could ask for. This man was as loyal to the Starks and King Robert as Judah is to PC and her company.

9 Beatrice Horseman: House Bolton

House Bolton is just the worst. Ramsay in particular has committed so many atrocities that he is up there for being one of the brutalist Westerosi nobles.

One could argue that while Beatrice didn’t physically torture her son like Bolton did Theon, she chipped away at his soul just like Ramsay. She constantly belittled and criticized him, so it’s no wonder he grew up to have so many mental health issues.


8 Hollyhock: House Reed

House Reed has a reputation for being a bit unconventional. They are the odd ones out and they have absolutely no lust for power. Hollyhock is a lot like Meera or Jojen. Pure-hearted, kind, and young.

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She ended up being one of the characters that BoJack hurt the most. Just like in the world of Game of Thrones, being kind and peaceful doesn’t get you far in Hollywoo either.

7 Herb Kazzaz: House Baratheon

Herb Kazzaz exudes Baratheon energy. Not only was he built like Robert, but he was also jovial and outspoken like the former king. Robert and Herb were both loyal to their friends and enjoyed sharing their success with others. The Baratheons also have a healthy lust for life, which also fits Herb in his earlier days.

Over the years, Herb’s temperament changed from Robert’s to Stannis’s. Once he got cheated out of the success that belonged to him, he turned bitter and resentful. Similarly, Stannis didn’t get what was rightfully his after Robert’s death. Stannis is the black sheep of the Baratheon family when it comes to his personality. Or perhaps, he had seen too many betrayals in his life, which soured his family’s signature appetite.

6 Sarah Lynn: House Targaryen

Sarah Lynn is one of the most hilarious supporting characters on BoJack Horseman, but she is also one of the most tragic ones. She’s hot-blooded, beautiful, and oftentimes unhinged, just like members of House Targaryen.

Deanerys could’ve won her wars, if only she played her cards right. The same could be said for poor Sarah Lynn who had a lot of potential and success, as well as some personal demons.

5 Mr. Peanutbutter: House Tyrell

The Tyrells never lashed out in uncontrollable anger. They were all about keeping appearances, and their go-to aesthetic was being kind and happy. Just like Mr. Peanutbutter, they enjoyed high levels of popularity.

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By acting all nice, Tyrells played the long game and managed to bring down King Joffrey himself. Mr. Peanutbutter has no such agenda but just thrives on validation.

4 Todd Chavez: House Tully

The Riverrun natives don’t start any wars, but they always stay loyal to their allies. Todd stood by his friends, even at his own cost. He’s one of the most caring characters on the show and is altruistic for completely selfless reasons.

Todd and the Tullys weren’t interested in being the stars of the show. They were at the sidelines, ready to lend a helping hand whenever they could. Unfortunately, things sometimes blew right in their faces anyways.

3 Diane Nguyen: House Stark

Diane is a Stark because she fights for what is right and fair, even if it is at her own expense. The Stark House is portrayed as inherently good, as is Diane. What the Starks value above all else is honor – so much so that they are willing to die for it. Unlike most other characters in Westeros who lie and scheme, the Stark family speaks truthfully.

Diane shares their values, which is something that is reflected when she tried to take down Whitewale Inc. at all costs and when she made BoJack come clean about what had happened in New Mexico. She is a lone wolf without a pack, but she found a way to survive without ever giving up on her principles. Except for maybe the time when she wrote meaningless content for Girl Croosh and celebrity tweets.

2 BoJack Horseman: House Lannister

He’s narcissistic, impulsive, and witty. Also, he likes to drink alcohol and escape reality by any means possible. The signs are all there: BoJack is definitely a Lannister.

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The Lannister family is famous for being power-hungry. Just like BoJack, they lack integrity and clearly play by their own rules. Justice eventually catches up to them and when it does, it’s not a pretty sight. A Lannister always pays his debts, but they’re often way overdue – and BoJack definitely paid his in the end.

1 Princess Carolyn: House Martell

Martells are fearless warriors, just like Princess Carolyn. This lady makes her own destiny, which fits the Martell’s house words of “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.” It is essentially her speech from “Say Anything” summarized in three simple words!

She is straight-forward and friendly, but she is also capable of doing some pretty horrible things. The Sandsnakes in particular did some gruesome things. They took over Dorne and killed many of their family members in the process. Princess Carolyn understands that sometimes, one has to make certain sacrifices and throw somebody else under the bus to secure their own survival. She did so by signing a contract in BoJack’s name.

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