One of the most important aspects of Borderlands 3 is all of the different guns that players can collect. There are literally thousands throughout the game for players to use against their enemies and each one is uniquely different than the last. With each piece of DLC added the game drops even more guns in for players to check out as well.

The most recent DLC, Bounty of Blood, has given players a rich new area to explore full of colorful characters and dangerous enemies. As usual, though players are also given access to a whole new arsenal of weapons. The thing is though that these weapons were not all created equal. Some are definitely leagues better than the rest. This guide is here to show players the best weapons from the Bounty of Blood.


Borderlands 3: Best Bounty of Blood Weapons

1. Gargoyle: Those who love highly damaging weapons will fall absolutely in love with the Gargoyle. It is a corrosive weapon that fires normal corrosive bullets, but as a bonus, it also does splash damage. This means that players will be capable of doing high amounts of damage to an enemy as well as cause damage to anyone that is nearby. The only problem is that if the player gets to close they will hurt themselves.

2. Complex Root: The Complex Root very well might be the most powerful weapon in the entirety of Borderlands 3, but it is really only useful in boss fights. Basically it is a sniper rifle that has ricocheting shots, so players can line up a headshot on a boss and watch as it bounces back and forth dealing a huge amount of damage. The rate of fire is a little slow though so it won’t be useful against several enemies at once.

3. Robin’s Call Shotgun- At first glance, this shotgun doesn’t really look like anything special. It sports high stats, but nothing out of the ordinary for a legendary shotgun. The upside to this weapon though is that if players manage to score a critical hit they will regain ammo while another bullet ricochets to the nearest enemy.

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4. Blanc Pistol- This pistol already sports very high stats, but its special attributes really push it over the top. Whenever a player’s action skill ends the next two magazines of this weapon will have double cryo damage. There is also the ability to grant a 35% increase to damage when switching between firing modes that can be stacked up to ten times.

5. Beacon Pistol- This is an extremely strong pistol that also sports great accuracy. The best aspect of it though is that whenever players score a hit they are granted a 1% increase to damage which continues to stack until the player misses. Reloading the weapon also triggers a Nova of whichever element the pistol is.

Borderlands 3 can be played on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

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