Exploring and claiming the wastelands is only the surface of what Borderlands 3 has to offer. This guide will provide the player with things to do after beating the game. Borderlands 3 has been a huge success since the initial release. The game has received several bits of new content through DLC and has the most amount of collectible guys to acquire. Not only that, but the game has the most available environments to explore. With a world like this, players will have so much to do after they beat the game and that’s what this guide is going to layout. Here’s what players can expect to do after beating Borderlands 3.


The Borderlands series prides itself on being a looter shooter. Up to four players can come together to take out strongholds and obtain all the treasure from within. Not only that, but each playable character comes along with their own unique abilities. Each character is a specialist at different things like being a sharpshooter, a tank, or focusing on full-frontal assault. The game is also completely multiplayer, allowing players to jump in or out of the story at any time. Here’s what players can accomplish once they beat the base game.

Play As Other Characters in Borderlands 3

It is likely that players most likely switched between only a few characters during their first campaign, especially if they played with friends who hogged a specific character. Each character plays so differently that players would be missing a substantial part of the game by playing only as one character. Boot up another save file and step outside of your comfort zone. If the player enjoys aggression, try playing someone more meticulous. There’s a little bit of something for everyone. 

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New Game Plus in Borderlands 3

This version of the games New Game Plus is called True Vaulter Hunt Mode. Players can start a new file and keep all of their items, gears, and weapons from the very beginning. It’s a great way to experience the game from an overpowered perspective. This also works with the previous point, allowing players to play with other characters.

Mayhem Mode in Borderlands 3

Mayhem Mode allows players to crank up the difficulty of the game to its hardest yet. While this is all good fun on its own, it also increases the likelihood of enemies dropping rare loot. Legendary items are amongst the most challenging to find and Mayhem Mode makes it a bit easier. This is great for the completionist out there.

Borderlands 3 is an excellent game to return to time and time again. It allows for creative gameplay scenarios with different characters and allowing players to enjoy it with their friends. The game also receives substantial DLC to keep players occupied for years to come. There will likely be a collection of all the DLC in one package in the near future.

Borderlands 3 is available now on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Google Stadia.

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