Borderlands 3 is the fifth installment in the Borderlands series by Gearbox Software. The game’s Bounty of Blood DLC introduces new content, weapons, and challenges to the game. There are also new storylines to follow, as well as bigger and badder bosses to take down. These new changes are sure to keep players busy until the next release in the series.

Along with new game content comes Crew Challenges in Borderlands 3:  Bounty of Blood DLC. These Crew Challenges challenge players to collect items such as Creature Feature Film Reels, finding caches like Sato’s Cache, and hunt down dangerous beasts in Skin to Win. Completing these challenges will unlock rewards for the player. Good Prospects is a challenge that tasks players with digging up Ol’ Jessup’s treasure caches spread throughout the maps. There are six Good Prospects caches in the Bounty of Blood DLC. These chests can give players an extra handful of loot to use to power up their character and get bonuses. Not only will players have to find the cache, but the treasure map as well, as many times the loot is hidden away well enough that the map is needed to locate it. Once the treasure map is picked up, Ol’ Jessup will start a radio call with the player and the cache should be marked on the player’s map.


Good Prospects Locations in Borderlands 3: Bounty of Blood DLC


Follow Juno into town, and a treasure map will be hidden on the back of one of the buildings. This will lead the player to the large building with the clock on top of it at the far end of town. Use jump-pads or climb to the top of the building and use a ladder to climb the rest of the way up to the cache. Players can also jump down from the very top of the building to reach the cache on a balcony area.

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Ashfall Peaks

In Ashfall Peaks, the cache is located in the middle of the map. At the bottom of a water wheel is a core deposit that is preventing it from turning. Smash it to free the wheel, and move onto the crate so that the character can aim through the spokes of it. Shoot at the target that is visible through the spokes to open the door to the cache. Inside, collect Ol’ Jessup’s neglected stash.


In the Blastplains, Ol Jessup’s cache is in Camp Amplecore, which can be accessed by turning left when the player first enters the area. It will have a colorful sign above it, which makes it easy to spot. At the top of the hill in the camp is a barn that players must walk through to reach the jump-pad on the other side. To the right of the platform that the player jumps up on is a ladder that must be climbed, and then two other ladders. At the end of a walkway is the cache.

Obsidian Forest

In the Obsidian Forest, walk through the map to reach Oletta’s den. Take a left to go up the ramp near the fast travel station. Follow the tunnel through the rock to reach a large room. In the room, there is a treasure map on the chalkboard. One the map is picked up, the player can see the cache marked on their map. Travel to the section in which the marker is located, and there will be platforms that can be jumped down to get closer to the treasure. There will be a rock surface at the bottom of a platform’s supports that can be jumped to. The support can be jumped onto and used to reach a large can-shaped structure. Walk around the top of this structure to reach the cache next to some boxes.

Bloodsun Canyon

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The treasure map in Bloodsun Canyon has to be access via a portal. In the center of the map is a set of stairs that can be walked down to access a portal in a tunnel. From one of the stair landings, the player will need to jump across the gap to the tunnel and portal. Go through it, and there will be a treasure map on a table to the left of the player. The cache will now be added to the player’s map. Fast travel or move closer to the map. In the area with lots of pipes and carts, there is a wall with circles on it and a glowing red door. Drop down to the ledge below and enter the room to activate the door using the keypad terminal. Jump down even lower to reach the jump-pad and return to the level above, and then jump off near the painted caution sign to be propelled sideways using a jump-pad through the doorway. Here is a portal that will take the player to a new location and the cache. There will also be two Jakobs lockers nearby.

Crater’s Edge

Good Prospects is the only Crew Challenge in Crater’s Edge. Around the middle of the map, there will be a treasure map on the ground on one on the rock ledges. This reveals the location of the treasure on the in-game map. In the wooden building with the round door frames that is on fire, players can enter through a side entrance and smash crates to access a jump-pad, which they can take up to access the cache in the rafters.

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Now that players have found all of Ol’ Jessup’s caches, they will be swimming in loot and have one more Crew Challenge to strike off their list.

Borderlands 3: Bounty of Blood is available for the PlayStation 4, Windows, and Xbox One.

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