Warning: contains spoilers for Chapter 68 of Boruto

The recent release of Boruto‘s Chapter 68 reveals that the Otstutsuki dwelling inside Boruto is more like Naruto’s Kurama than ever before. Momoshiki Otsutsuki implanted himself into Boruto via Karma during the first major arc of the series and as the story progressed, the influence of the alien invader grew until Boruto sacrificed himself, forcing Momoshiki to divert the rest of his energy to reviving the young ninja. This prevented him from fully taking over Boruto’s body, but the Otsutsuki’s power and consciousness still remain.

This makes Boruto awfully similar to his father, Naruto, who used to have the nine-tailed fox sealed inside him. At first, Kurama’s power would take over Naruto, and each time Kurama got a little closer to tricking Naruto into releasing him fully. Naruto, however, eventually got Kurama to trust him and the two struck up a close friendship and bond, one where Kurama allowed Naruto to channel his power, giving the ninja access to superior strength and abilities.


Boruto’s similarities to this continue with the ninja’s most recent claim that he can “channel his power better now“, referring to Momoshiki. Momoshiki’s influence grew to the point that he would occasionally take possession of Boruto’s body, granting Boruto his powers, but he would make Boruto do horrendous things, like attacking his allies and destroying Sasuke’s Rinnegan. But now that Boruto has better control over Momoshiki, it’s likely that fans will see more of them working together rather than against one another, almost mirroring the journey that Naruto and Kurama took.

Despite the similarities between father and son, the way Boruto and Momoshiki are being handled is entirely different. Naruto and Kurama’s relationship developed over the majority of Naruto, making their eventual bond and camaraderie a well-deserved payoff, whereas it seems Boruto was just given this immense power and control over it without having to foster it. Granted, the kid did have to die to obtain it, but overall, it seems like the whole ordeal was rushed. But with that said, it’s exciting to see how this new relationship develops. Will Boruto erase the darkness inside Momoshiki? Will Momoshiki find a way out? Now that Boruto is finally focusing on the next generation, anything could happen.

Momoshiki Otsutsuki is Boruto’s Kurama, albeit a darker and more hostile version. There is still a lot of story left to tell in Boruto, and hopefully, their relationship develops in a way that makes it different from Naruto‘s, but is just as, if not more, impactful.

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