There are over 100 ways for Link to die in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Some of the deaths are iconic, like the swarm of angry Cuccos, but others are so random that players may never come across them even after several playthroughs. Finding entertaining deaths usually occurs randomly and unexpectedly, and there have even been some jump scares involved with Link’s death in BOTW.

Players should expect to die fairly often while playing through BOTW, especially those that attempt the Master Mode. The game is full of dangerous enemies, puzzles, and challenges that can all lead to some unique deaths for Link. Players that want to find every way Link can die will need to explore every region thoroughly and have encounters with every enemy in the game.


Even though many of the deaths in Zelda: Breath of the Wild can be amusing, some of them can also be quite frustrating. For example, players performing a perfectly timed parry may accidentally blow themselves up, and trying to simply open a chest can lead to a jump scare death. Discovering new deaths can mean having to backtrack in BOTW, but some of them are still worth seeing purely for the entertainment they offer.

Link Can be Killed by a Thrown Bokoblin in BOTW

Moblins are mean yet resourceful enemies that will actually pick up a nearby Bokoblin and throw it at Link. This occurs more frequently when a Moblin is left without a weapon, so players should be careful about stealing their club or bow. Thrown Bokoblins can do quite a bit of damage, and if there happens to be an explosive barrel nearby, the death can become even grander. The Bokoblin can also die from the impact, so a Moblin can potentially get a double-kill by using a fellow monster to take Link out.

Link Can Die By A Fake Treasure Chest Surprise In BOTW

One of the funniest ways Link can die is by getting hit by a surprise Treasure Octorok. Approaching a treasure chest in Breath of the Wild and having it leap out of the ground can cause a small jump scare, and if players are low on health, then Link can actually die from the initial surprise. In a way, BOTW makes it seem as though Link was scared to death by the Treasure Octorok, making the experience that much more amusing.

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Zelda: BOTW – Death by Cuccos

Link has been dying from angry Cuccos since the release of Ocarina of Time, and Zelda: Breath of the Wild has continued the trend by including this entertaining death sequence. If Link attacks any of the Cuccos in Hyrule, then the others nearby will exact their revenge and relentlessly attack Link until he’s dead. This type of death is so iconic to the Legend of Zelda series, and gaming in general, that it was even included as an Easter egg in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.

Although it’s likely Link will be targeted whenever a Cucco is near a fight, players can also use one of these creatures to attack enemies, which can be entertaining as well. Players looking to experience the unsettling wrath of the Cuccos for themselves can head over to a stable or Kakariko Village and attack one of them with any weapon. After the initial hit, the Cuccos will swarm around Link pecking at him until he dies.

Link Can Be Crushed By A Small Rock In Breath Of The Wild

Link may die unexpectedly from a rock and a poorly timed bounce in Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The death works when Link picks up a rock, then places it, and then jumps just after putting it down. Instead of dropping the rock, it bumps Link on the head causing damage and killing him if he’s low on health already. This is a death that can happen early on in the game as soon as players find rocks to move or start looking for Koroks.

Zelda: BOTW – Dying from a Flurry Rush Explosion

Flurry Rush is the counterattack Link can perform after a perfectly timed parry in BOTW. Players need to jump to the side or backward depending on the enemy’s weapon, then time slows down and players can mash the flurry rush button to quickly deal a lot of damage. However, in the wrong environment, the flurry rush can be fatal for Link.

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When performing a flurry rush in a BOTW Bokoblin camp or anywhere that has explosive barrels, it’s possible for Link to hit the barrel and blow up before ever landing a hit on his opponent. Dying from a perfect parry is the exact opposite of the intended result, but it can be entertaining for Link to have such an explosive accident in battle. Players can experience this type of death by lining up an enemy right beside an explosive barrel and performing a flurry rush.

Messing With Gorons Is A Bad Idea For Link In BOTW

Gorons are headstrong and fiery people with a lot of pride in their ability to fight. Much like the Cuccos of Hyrule, if Link provokes a Goron, it will hit back and possibly kill him. Some Gorons in Zelda: Breath of the Wild are positioned at the edge of a cliff, so if Link is hit he can be sent flying across the map. With low health, one blow from a Goron can be fatal for Link.

Zelda: BOTW – Link’s Master Sword Death

Players can get the Master Sword early in the game if they use certain tricks, but for those playing without glitches, it can take a while to obtain. Link will die while attempting to pull the Master Sword from its stone if he doesn’t have enough health to endure the trial. The implication of this death is that Link isn’t worthy of being Hyrule’s hero. This death can be a little shocking the first time players try to pull the Master Sword in BOTW.

Getting Caught by the Yiga Clan Is Fatal For Link In Breath Of The Wild

The Yiga Clan is a constant threat as players traverse Hyrule and progress through the story. Players can die from random attacks by Yiga Clan members disguised as regular travelers. Link can also be killed by the Yiga Clan leader, Master Kohga. However, the most intense and entertaining death Link can have at the hands of the Yiga comes when he infiltrates the Yiga Clan Hideout.

After entering the Yiga Clan hideout, players need to sneak around the area to reach the boss battle with Master Kohga. If Link is caught sneaking by any of the Yiga Clan members, the doors lock, and every enemy in the area aggressively attacks him. The first time players experience this onslaught, it can be a little frightening. Defeating all of the Yiga in Zelda: BOTW is extremely difficult and unlikely, so being seen in the Hideout is almost a guaranteed death.

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Zelda: BOTW – Link Can Die By Being Crushed by an Amiibo

Players can use an Amiibo in BOTW to call in special chests with unique equipment. If Link stands too close to where the chest will land, he can be crushed by the incoming Amiibo rewards. Instead of receiving helpful gear or items, Link is killed by the chest, then players will need to try the Amiibo again and stay much further back. This is one of the funnier deaths that can occur in Breath of the Wild.

Most of the entertaining deaths in BOTW occur when Link is low on health, but some cause more damage than others. In instances like the Yiga Clan attack or the Cucco’s revenge, players won’t be able to escape or stop the attack. With over 100 deaths that can occur to Link, players can expect to have many entertaining experiences in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

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