Bravely Default 2 is bringing back the character class system from the earlier entries in the series. These take the form of jobs, which are gradually unlocked over the course of the game.

The jobs in Bravely Default 2 are taken from defeated foes, as the player will need to conquer the dreaded Asterisk bearers to win new character classes. Each party member in Bravely Default can select a main job and a sub job. This will give them access to the command abilities used by both classes, allowing for different combinations of moves, such as a melee fighter who can also cast spells. or a healer who can also steal items. Each character can also select five passive abilities, granting them even more customization options.


A big part of Bravely Default 2 is combining job abilities in ways that make characters more effective in their chosen roles. There are some job abilities that are more useful than others, especially in a game that can be as brutally difficult as Bravely Default 2.

  • Treat (Freelancer) – Resources are stretched during the early hours of Bravely Default 2 and the player won’t have much cash to spend on Mini Ethers and Tents. As such, it will be common to run out of MP while traveling through a dungeon. Treat is a move that costs 15 MP and it restores 20% of the MP of another character. If Treat is equipped on a character with high MP (like a White Mage), then they can use Treat to gradually restore the MP of other characters in battle.
  • Revenge (Red Mage) – All actions in Bravely Default 2 cost BP (Brave Points) to activate. If a character with Revenge equipped is hit by an enemy attack, then they have a 25% chance of earning an extra BP for free.
  • Counter-Savvy (Ranger) – This might be the most important passive ability for melee fighters in the game. Counter-Savvy is a move that ensures that the character will always dodge a physical counter. In Bravely Default 2, most of the bosses have a powerful physical counter, so this move will let the player ignore its effects and pile on damage in safety.
  • BP Deleter (Salve-Maker) – This move costs the princely sum of 9000pg to activate, but it removes one BP from an enemy. This can be used to gain an early advantage over bosses, as it’s possible to keep them in a negative action state, depending on how their counters work. The only problem is the cash value, so it’s best saved for after the party is fully equipped and has lots of items.
  • Level Slash (Berserker) – This move costs 30% of the character’s health, but it does a powerful attack against all enemies. This might be the best move for level grinding in the game, as it’s easy to go into a negative BP state at the start of a battle to perform three Level Slashes in a row. This will either kill the enemy outright or leave them easy pickings for the rest of the party. Just make sure to heal the user after each battle.
  • Turn Tables (Phantom) – This passive will give the character one BP every time they dodge a physical attack. If this is combined with Counter-Savvy, then it can give the character a ton of free BP after a multi-hit chain.
  • Shell Split/Scale Strip (Berserker) – These attacks will reduce the physical and magical defenses of the enemy. They are especially useful against bosses, but the character will be expected to keep using them every turn.
  • Healthbringer/Spiritbringer (Spiritmaster) – These will summon spirits that restore HP and MP every turn. The latter move is especially important, as there are fewer ways to raise MP than HP. Throwing these up when the healer has a few extra BP is a great way to use a turn and it’s a great way to keep other spellcasters in the game without burning through Ethers.
  • Rampart/Vallation (Bastion) – The former move absorbs one physical attack per character, the latter absorbs one magical attack. They cannot be used at the same time. These moves can make some of the boss fights a lot easier, as they will nullify enemies that rely on big single hit attacks, rather than multi-hit chains.

One of the easiest ways to finish Bravely Default 2 is to have characters assigned to specific roles. A party with a melee fighter, an offensive mage, a healer, and a buffer/debuffer will be able to cover all of the bases and keep everyone alive until the end of the game.

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Bravely Default 2 will be released for Nintendo Switch on February 26, 2021.

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