Here’s when each member of Walter White’s family found out they were in the presence of meth royalty in Breaking Bad. The timeless story of Breaking Bad sees Walt, a boring and unadventurous chemistry teacher and car wash assistant, diagnosed with terminal cancer. To ensure his family’s future, Walt dabbles in cooking methamphetamine with a former student, and over the course of 5 seasons, evolves into a fearsome monster with an iron grip on the local drug scene and an international sphere of influence.

Part of Breaking Bad‘s appeal comes from the duality of Walt as a character. Although the cancer-stricken teacher is slowly becoming a force to be reckoned with, he’s still the shy and mild-mannered father, husband and brother-in-law back home. Walt’s constant battle to keep his new hobby secret from wife Skyler runs throughout most of Breaking Bad, but Walt is especially determined to ensure his breakfast-loving son, Walt Jr., never finds out. Walt’s secret is complicated by his brother-in-law’s role as a DEA agent; Hank and Marie Schrader’s lives are intertwined with the Whites, forcing Walt to co-exist with the very man hunting him down.

Ultimately, of course, Walt’s secret is exposed to everyone – even the scared lady next door. Walter White becomes an infamous name and the man himself is forced to go on the run. However, the exposing of Walt is a gradual process. Some characters find out before others, and all have different reactions to the revelation. These are the episodes in which Walt’s family discover the methy truth about the man they thought they knew.

Skyler White

As the person who spends the most time with Walt and the one who knows him most intimately, it’s no surprise that Skyler White becomes suspicious of her husband at a relatively early stage in Breaking Bad. Though Skyler notices a change in Walt’s behavior, she initially puts this down to the cancer diagnosis – a understandable and natural assumption. But Walt’s meth cooking excursions take him away from home for days at a time and Skyler later discovers her husband has a second phone which leads her to the next reasonable conclusion: Walt’s cheating. By the end of Breaking Bad season 2, Skyler has confronted her “other woman” prime suspect, Gretchen Schwartz, and learned that Walt hasn’t been having an affair. Skyler also realizes Walt is far wealthier than he should be for a man of his profession. At this point, Skyler only knows that her husband is lying about something, and she begins divorce proceedings.

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Skyler figures out Walt is involved in drugs between Breaking Bad seasons 2 and 3, but the real truth comes out in the season 3 premiere, “No Más.” Confronting Walt after their separation, Skyler accuses her husband of being a marijuana dealer, based on one of Walt’s lies from season 1, where Walt pretended Jesse was his weed dealer. Walt quickly reveals how greatly Skyler has underestimated the gravity of the situation, as Walt tells announces he’s a meth manufacturer. Skyler decides to lend her assistance, but the couple’s relationship remains damaged.

Hank Schrader

Hank Schrader’s moment of discovery in Breaking Bad ranks as one of the most iconic scenes in the series and can be found in season 5’s “Gliding All Over.” Unlike the suspicious Skyler, Walt has two big advantages over his DEA special agent brother-in-law. Firstly, Walt is much smarter, and secondly, Hank grossly underestimates Walt – that much is clear from their very first scene together. Whereas Walt constantly has to evade his wife’s questions (and even then only manages to do so for 2 seasons), he eludes Hank until season 5, despite being the primary focus of the entire Heisenberg investigation. Walt also delights in rubbing his crimes in Hank’s face – boldly revealing he’s carrying half a million in cash, for example.

Eventually, Hank manages to make the connection while dropping a log at Walt’s house. Scrambling for some reading material to ease the process, Hank finds a book that was gifted to Walt by Gale Boetticher and includes an incriminating inscription. The DEA had already seized a book of Gale’s with a similar tribute to “W.W.” and spying a similar message in the same handwriting made everything click for Hank, with the long-awaited big confrontation finally happening in the next episode. Even though he can’t prove it definitively with this vague inscription, Hank knows from this point on that Walter White and Heisenberg are one and the same.

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Marie Schrader

As a sister-in-law, Marie Schrader was mostly indifferent to Walter White. Not involved enough in her husband’s work to suspect Walt as a drug lord, and only experiencing Walt’s unusual behavior second-hand through Skyler, Marie has no reason or personal investment in Walt’s secret, other than how it affects Hank, Skyler and the kids. Perhaps this is why Marie discovering the truth about Walt happens off-screen. Even though the audience don’t see the moment Marie finds out, it can be inferred that Hank tells her during the season 5 episode “Buried.”

Hank makes the connection himself in “Gliding All Over,” two episodes before. In the next installment, Marie is still confused about her husband acting so strangely, which heavily implies he hasn’t told her about Walt at this point. “Buried” comes next, and includes a scene where Hank confronts Skyler about Heisenberg. Doing this alone once again suggests that Marie is in the dark, but several scenes later, Marie knocks on Skyler’s door wanting to know if Hank’s talking crazy. As such, it seems likely that Hank has the discussion with Skyler then goes home to reveal everything to Marie, forcing her to go to Skyler herself to confirm.

Walt Jr.

Skyler White’s role in Breaking Bad was to be the constant source of suspicion; the figure always questioning Walt’s lies and trying to trip him up. Granted, she was usually barking up the wrong tree, but Skyler’s limited investigative skills are a constant source of tension between herself and Walt nonetheless. Walt Jr.’s role couldn’t be more different. Despite a smattering of teenage angst, Walt Jr. loves his father deeply, setting up a donation web page for cancer treatment and hailing his dad as a hero. Walt Jr. has no idea that his father has been effectively replaced by Heisenberg, but his constant love and innocence serves to twist the knife of guilt into Walt at every turn. Also, where just knowing her husband wasn’t being truthful was enough to prompt Skyler towards divorce, Walt remains loyal to his father until he discovers the full facts of the meth operation.

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This moment comes towards the end of Breaking Bad in season 5’s “Ozymandias.” The last of Walt’s family to find out (excluding Holly, obviously), the meth kingpin was desperate to keep the truth from his son, not wanting that idealistic father figure image to be shattered. Skyler also wanted to protect Walt Jr. from the truth, but Hank and Marie had other ideas. As the net of the law closed in around Walt, Marie insisted that Skyler be honest with her son, and the youngster lashed out, at first refusing to believe the accusations, and then blaming his mother for being involved. The truth becomes clear to Walt Jr. when his father returns home, fresh from watching Hank die in Breaking Bad‘s most devastating scene, and it’s the teenager who calls the police.

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