The use of DLC in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was meant to increase base gameplay options and add new adventures, and there is a possibility a similar set of expansions will be a part of Breath of the Wild 2 after its upcoming release. However, while DLC can be beneficial, Nintendo may need to offer the expansion in a different way, and make the content more worth the investment, if it is going to do well. The expansion pass for Breath of the Wild was a costly addition and primarily added armor instead of story, making both packs feel empty and brief.

DLC has become a common way for both indie and AAA games to expand the content of already released games. The content could add new maps, questlines, and characters to the already existing storylines in the game. In the case of some games, DLC has even been twisted to hold the true endings of a title’s story, as seen in Dragon Age: Inquisition, forcing players to pay for the expansion to truly complete the game. When used correctly, DLC is a great way to boost the longevity of a title, but unfortunately, in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, this wasn’t the case. With only two expansions released in the game’s lifetime, many had hoped the “Expansion Pass” would greatly increase the core gameplay with new objectives. Instead, both DLC packs were bogged down with cosmetic items instead of important playable additions.


While Breath of the Wild didn’t push its DLC Expansion Pass value, it could still be a useful feature when the announced sequel is released in the future. BOTW 2 has not yet received an official release date, but many are hoping for further details on release, content, and DLC in the coming months. By learning from the mistakes of Breath of the Wild’s first DLC, Breath of the Wild 2 could use the DLC pass to add entire new storylines, mini-quests, and areas to explore. It could also introduce new features to the game, like more houses around the map to purchase or new battle mechanics. By using the DLC to expand core gameplay and not just add collectibles, it could greatly boost the longevity of the upcoming game’s lifecycle.

BOTW Failed To Use DLC Expansions Effectively, But BOTW 2 Can Fix That

In The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, players can obtain 2 DLC expansions – The Master Trials and The Champion’s Ballad. The expansion pass for Breath of the Wild will cost players $19.99 on top of the $59.99 for the base game. This makes all the content in BOTW a painful $80. While many would argue the price for the base game is well worth the hundreds of hours of playtime it can provide, this isn’t the case with the DLC expansions.

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In The Master Trials, players can access a battle challenge called “The Trial of the Sword,” The “Hero’s Path” trail tracker for the map of Hyrule, the Master difficulty mode, as well as a variety of wearable items and armor. While “The Trial of the Sword” and Master difficulty are both nice additions to the game, the other items in the expansion are far less useful, and could have been added as a free update rather than as part of something paid. In The Champion’s Ballad, players gain access to a dungeon challenge that unlocks the Master Cycle Zero for Link to ride over Hyrule. Players also interact with the bard Kass, who reveals more information about the champions of Hyrule. Like the previous DLC, this expansion also includes new wearable items for both Link and his horse.

While both expansions have a few things players may find engaging, neither adds greatly to the overall gameplay. New map locations haven’t been introduced, and large-scale DLC-based plot points aren’t included. For many, this could make investing in the BOTW DLC feel like a frustrating waste of money for a handful of collectibles and a few battle challenges.

Breath of the Wild 2 Could Use DLC Expansions To Add New Storylines

While nothing is known yet about the plot or challenges players will face in Breath of the Wild 2, the prospect of DLC for the game after release could still be exciting if Nintendo changes how it was done in the previous game. Instead of releasing DLC focused on game modes, battle challenges, and collectibles, Nintendo could boost core gameplay with an entirely new map to travel to. The map could have its own side-story, with new characters to meet, forageable items to find, and puzzles to solve. The DLC could also introduce new side-quests all around Hyrule instead of just in one or two locations, giving those finished with the main storyline new reasons to pick up the game.

Nintendo should also consider excluding collectible items like armor unless it is found through quests and plots specific to the DLC expansion’s narrative. These can instead be bundled into micro DLC packs for BOTW 2 purchased outside the Expansion Pass that scatter new chests with collectibles across the map. This will help prevent big DLC packs from becoming nothing more than accessory-bloated content additions. This also enables players to specifically purchase the packs with items they want at a less expensive price, or focus entirely on the DLC that expands Breath of the Wild 2‘s narrative.

Currently, BOTW 2 has a 2022 release date, though nothing has been confirmed by Nintendo regarding this information. Hopefully, more news will begin to come after the release of Nintendo’s next big Pokémon title, Pokémon Legends: Arceus, which is set to launch in January 2022. At the moment, fans have gotten glimpses of prospective gameplay via a few teaser trailers and minimal details during Nintendo Direct streams, including the ability to glide through the air above Hyrule. It isn’t clear when the new title takes place in comparison to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, but it is likely players will again have to square off against terrifying forces to protect Hyrule, and explore a vast map with exciting new adventures.

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