Ever since Nintendo announced its sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the internet has been awash with theories, and some have begun lately to suggest that the islands floating above the Kingdom of Hyrule in Breath of the Wild 2 are, in fact, the Lands of the Spirits. While some theories are likely more far-fetched than others, there are some that actually give one pause for thought, and the idea of these islands being a home for spirits is one that bears a closer look.

[Warning – Spoilers for Breath of the Wild below.]

There have been multiple spirits present throughout the Legend of Zelda series. In Breath of the Wild, this includes the Great Fairies, Koroks, and Malanya, the horse god. Unlike Link, the average Hylian is unable to see these spirits. They are only visible to young children and some chosen adults, which is most likely to do with the purity of any individual’s soul.


If the spirits throughout Breath of the Wild can only be seen by a small selection who have been specifically chosen to be allowed to see them, this could explain why the lands in the sky have not been seen before. If the islands are theirs, and not a part of the Kingdom of Hyrule in the traditional sense, the spirits might not yet have permitted them to be visible. In Skyward Sword, players travel to the Silent Realms, and much like these floating islands could turn out to be, Link can only visit these realms thanks to the permission of the goddess Hylia. Without this permission, these realms are inaccessible. Even Fi can not join Link in the Silent Realms of Skyward Sword, as the “trail calls out to [Link’s] mind alone.”

Breath Of The Wild: Spirits In The Sky

There is actually already a hint in Breath of the Wild that, with retrospect, does allude to the islands in the sky being a part of a spirt world, or realm, above Hyrule. The three spiritual dragons – Farosh, Dinraal, and Naydra – all disappear into portals in the sky at the end of their usual cycles over the kingdom. This idea that above the clouds lies a hidden dimension that is accessible to only the spirits of Hyrule would explain where the dragons go.

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There is also the presence of the lotus flower podiums that can be seen on the floating islands above Hyrule in the most recent Breath of the Wild 2 teaser. These too draw parallels to the Spirt Realms in Skyward Sword, where Link is presented a lotus flower at the end of each trial. The lotus appears to represent a more spiritual and otherworldly side to the extensive lore of Hyrule.

Of course, until fans hear more official news about Breath of the Wild’s sequel from Nintendo, this theory is just that: a theory. However, it does make one wonder who Link could potentially meet on these islands if they are in fact part of the Land of Spirits. With the four champions and King Rhoam all vanishing ethereally at the end of Breath of the Wild, there is every chance that they have gone somewhere within this spiritual realm themselves, giving Nintendo the chance to perhaps welcome them back again in BOTW2.

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