A very unfortunate Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild player has shared a video of Link dying to a Guardian. This wouldn’t be too interesting, if not for the extremely unorthodox method of expiration.

Breath of the Wild has become somewhat infamous in its difficulty. While all previous Zelda titles had their fair share of ways of offing Link, BOTW is practically overflowing with them. Two of the primary factors for this are Breath of the Wild‘s Guardian enemies and its physics engine. The physics engine is fairly advanced. Gravity, electricity, and other elements all work as they would in the real world. Guardians, meanwhile, can shoot lasers that deal 5 hearts worth of damage. Link begins his journey with only 3 hearts, meaning Guardians are always a major threat.


Reddit user RetroGameDays36 shared a video of Link dying in Hyrule Castle. At first, it appears that the two factors listed above would be to blame. Link is grazed by a laser, causing him to fall. It looks as if fall damage will be the cause of death, but Link is able to pull out his paraglider. All is well until a decayed Guardian falls from the heavens, smacking Link straight on the head. It’s equal parts confusing and shocking, making it one of the most hilarious (and unfortunate) deaths in Breath of the Wild history.

In the comments, the reason for the sudden Guardian appearance is explained. The falling Guardian is a set piece. It’s triggered whenever Link is in a certain radius beneath it. While gliding, RetroGameDays36 entered that radius, cueing the Guardian to fall. Other replies mentioned never experiencing the set-piece despite exploring all of Hyrule Castle. Just another way Breath of the Wild continues to surprise players, even after four years. Players are discovering new ways to use objects or see the main characters perish. But the fact that there is so much still to discover shows just how deep the game is.

Link dying in embarrassing or unlucky ways is almost a Zelda series staple. This is the franchise where provoking chickens almost always summons the Grim Reaper, after all. But this might be the best (or worst) death in a Breath of the Wild game yet. Granted, the video ends before the “Game Over” screen, leaving Link’s true fate unknown. But it’s difficult to imagine him not perishing in the process. At least Mipha’s Grace was still available. RetroGameDays36 – and Link – would be able to walk away safely, if without a shred of dignity left.

Source: RetroGameDays36/Reddit

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