The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild player recently uploaded a video showcasing how Sheikah Towers also double as endless shield-surfing rinks. In addition to constructing Sheikah Towers, the game’s enigmatic Sheikah are highly skilled inventors known for creating the Guardians and Ancient Shrines throughout Breath of the Wild’s map.

Some players have extensively explored the nuances of Hyrule and its denizens in Breath of the Wild, recording glitches they stumble upon, interactions between characters in the overworld, and exploits uncovered within the game’s engine. Guides on how to fully complete Breath of the Wild have surfaced to help gamers approach this mountain of content: filling out every location on the map, collecting all 900 Korok seeds and completing all 120 Shrines before the final showdown with Ganon. But discovering glitches and exploits provides additional entertainment, in no small part due to Breath of the Wild’s designers leaving fun glitches scattered throughout the vast open world game.


Redditor Chicken Vomit demonstrates how players can perform endless shield-surfing loops at the top of any Sheikah Tower. As the video shows, the key to shield-surfing is momentum. Link will require a jumping start to pull out his shield, at which point his momentum will carry him alongside the railing of the tower, looping faster and faster. In the user’s video, Link shows no signs of the Tower floor slowing his momentum. He accelerates, spinning like a frisbee up until his momentum sends him over the tower’s railing and he plummets to the ground. It’s not clear whether Chicken Vomit’s finding fits under the umbrella of an oversight in the game’s engine, an intended easter-egg, or a glitch like the Cucco glitch that allows Link to fly without his paraglider.

Chicken Vomit’s post captures a popular niche among Breath of the Wild fans to make their visions a reality by using the game’s physics engine to their advantage. Common examples have involved bomb-clipping Link to the outside of the map or using stasis to launch him safely off the Great Plateau before the game intends. Other quirks require far more patience, like guiding NPCs or enemies to distant locations to have them interact. One player went through the slow process of guiding each of Breath of the Wild’s Champion successors to a reunion photo shoot in the Gerudo Desert.

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Given the sheer dedication to discovery shown by fans, perhaps the Breath of the Wild sequel will take inspiration from these fan discoveries and incorporate them into wholly new mechanics. Series producer Eiji Aonuma’s has mentioned before that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild’s successor will include much of the content that couldn’t fit in its first installment. Perhaps some of these ideas will be based off of fan content, as well.

Source: Chicken Vomit/Reddit

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