Navigating the harsh world of Breathedge is an experience only for the most hardcore of survival game players. There are so many different things that the player must keep an eye out for when exploring the world like running out of oxygen, dying of both hunger and thirst, and even just freezing out in the vacuum of space. This is not an easy world to be roaming around in.

Those who want to make it very far in this game will want to stay on their toes. Those who are just now playing Breathedge for the first time through will most likely find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer amount of danger that the game throws at them. This guide shows players how to survive in the world of Breathedge.


Breathedge: Tips & Tricks for Survival

Increase Oxygen ASAP – It shouldn’t be much of a surprise that one of the most important things to keep track of in space is the amount of oxygen that the player currently has. Anytime that they leave their beginning area their oxygen level will begin dropping, and in the beginning of the game they have less than a minute’s worth of the precious gas. To be able to do more in Breathedge players will need to increase their oxygen levels whenever they possibly can. This can be done by either using things like oxygen candles, entering areas that give off oxygen or by acquiring permanent upgrades like Oxygen Balloon. Permanent upgrades are the best way to ensure that the player is able to spend more time outside of their ship exploring the empty space around them.

Grab Small Resources First – While outside of the starting area the player will find all kinds of resources just floating around out in space. Many of these resources though will need to be broken apart or acquired using different tools, but others still can just be picked up using the player’s bare hands. In the beginning of the game though it’s much easier and more cost-effective for players to pick up these smaller resources first. Start by sweeping the area immediately around the ship and then slowly work outwards to collect everything nearby that could be useful. After this has been done the player can then begin working on breaking apart larger groups of resources.

The Accelerator Makes Things Much Faster – One of the more frustrating things about Breathedge in the early moments of the game is that the player character moves incredibly slow. This makes a lot of sense considering they are out in the middle of space with no working vehicles, but that doesn’t make it any less annoying. One way to help this is for the player to get their hands on the Accelerator. This item can be crafted right at the beginning of the game as long as the player can find the items necessary to build it. Luckily all of the resources needed can be found relatively close to the starting location, so the player just needs to look around a little bit if they want to increase their movement speed.

Get Your Hands on Extra Storage – Another thing that can be a little frustrating early on as well is that the player only has a limited amount of inventory space. This can make things difficult when trying to collect as many useful resources as physically possible out in the world. There are a couple of ways to rectify this problem. For one there is actually a cabinet above the player’s bed that can actually be used to store quite a few resources, but it won’t be long before the player runs out of space in this either. Once this has been filled up the player will need to craft suitcases to store their junk instead. While out exploring the player will eventually come across a suitcase, which then gives them the ability to craft a suitcase whenever they wish. Suitcases can be used as additional storage inside the base, or carried with the player to pick items up while exploring.

One Somewhat Hidden Area Gives A Decent Early Advantage – When the player steps out of their starting location they will see a wide array of different wrecks and salvageable ship pieces to explore that it can be a little overwhelming. This is further complicated by the fact that the player has the ability to explore in 360 degrees of direction. Their first idea though is probably to set out ahead of their ship though when they should probably actually look behind it. If they explore behind their ship and go behind the large group of asteroids here they will come across small wreckage that contains several wooden shipping crates. These can be broken open to obtain a huge amount of both simple and complicated resources that will allow the player to quickly and easily craft many of the game’s early items.

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The Scrapper is The Most Important Item – Without a doubt, the most important item in the game is the Scrapper. While all the tools have their own specific roles and uses in Breathedge, the Scrapper gives the player the most opportunity to acquire different kinds of resources. Not only is it able to break apart metal and ice blocks, but it can also break open doors, crates, and chests that will contain some of the game’s rarer items. It is incredibly important that the player keeps a couple of Scrappers on them at all times and should always have enough metal in their ship’s inventory to craft a few more whenever they are needed.

Don’t Let Basic Resources Take Up Space – Even with all of the different suitcases that the player will be able to craft, they will probably still find themselves swimming in resources. The trick to forcing items to not take up as much space is to try and combine all basic resources into something more complicated. There are quite a few resources in the game like rubber, alkali, or paint that only have a couple of uses in the game. If the player wants to hold on to them it makes more sense to go ahead and combine them to create more useful items that can either be used immediately or will at least take up less space.

Set Up Oxygen Stations – In the early hours of the game the player can only boost their oxygen threshold so much, and even at the maximum amount they still won’t be able to explore outside the safety of their base for very long. The way to fix this though is to set up Oxygen Stations throughout the area that the player is able to regenerate their oxygen at. These stations can be set up anywhere that the player wants, and they are best used when placed in areas just outside of the player’s normal exploration range. This gives players the opportunity to stop somewhere and rest before going back out exploring or traveling back to their home.

Explore Every Nook and Cranny – There is such a huge amount of items and resources hidden in Breathedge that players will want to search everywhere they can to find things. Since players are able to float in space and explore in a completely 360-degree space, there are a lot of ways for objects to be tucked away. Explore on top of and underneath structures, look in between wall gaps, and even search inside crates to acquire all of the resources this game has to offer.

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Avoid Radiation and Cold Areas – Lack of oxygen isn’t the only thing that can kill the player, and honestly, both radiation and cold areas are probably more likely to bring a player down. This is because early on the player won’t have any protection against these dangers and will need to work pretty hard to get their hands on protections against them. The best idea is to instead explore areas closer to the starting base before trying to venture out into the more dangerous parts of the map.

Breathedge can be played on PC.

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