The hotly-anticipated return of Bridgerton season 2 sees a major change in the show, with Anthony taking over as the main character from his sister Daphne. Bridgerton season 1 introduced the Bridgerton family, with the love life of the eldest daughter Daphne at the forefront. Daphne’s dramas and intrigues with the brooding Duke of Hastings kept audiences gripped, but the romantic dalliances of Anthony were also quite a treat to witness. Since the show continues to follow the books, the second season brings Anthony’s story to the foreground.

In Bridgerton season 1, Anthony is introduced as a young man in conflict. Due to his father’s death, his duty is to act as a benefactor to his mother and younger siblings. His mother asks him for help in arranging Daphne’s marriage, which he stumbles at. He wants the best for his sister but doesn’t quite know what that is. It is in getting to know his sister that he gains her trust and eventually learns more about what it means to care for his family in a meaningful way. Another tribulation for Anthony is his romance with the opera singer Siena Rosso, who is socially unsuitable as a real match for the heir of the Bridgerton estate. After his heart is broken by Siena, Anthony swears off love, saying that in order to be married he will “remove love from the equation” and just get on with it.


Each book of the Bridgerton series focuses on a different sibling, with the first book telling the love story of Daphne and Simon and the second book, The Viscount Who Loved Me, showcasing the romance between Anthony and a woman named Kate Sheffield (Sharma in the TV show). The book is a classic tale of two people who don’t like each other very much at first, mirroring one of Jane Austen’s most beloved pairings, Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. The book also divulges that Anthony’s aversion to love doesn’t only relate to his heartbreak but his fear that he, like his father, will die at 38. He plans to avoid love in order to preserve the feelings of his wife, not wanting her to grieve in the way his mother does. Anthony has already been presented as a complex and layered character, and these plot lines will enrich the story.

Why Anthony Is The Main Character In Bridgerton Season 2

Seeing how the tension between Daphne and Simon has been settled, it makes sense for the show to move on to other aspects of the Bridgerton family. Bridgerton season 1 did not follow the first book to the letter, instead expanding on other characters and storylines in order to bring more interest to the plot. The strategy worked to the show’s advantage, and it garnered over 63 million views by its fourth week, solidifying it as the fifth most-watched Netflix original series since the company’s inception. Bridgerton drew out details about minor characters, threading together numerous plotlines to create a dazzling array of interesting and colorful people that audiences were enthralled by.

Why Daphne Is In Bridgerton Season 2 So Little

The main focus of Bridgerton season 1 was Daphne and Simon’s love story, so it’s inevitable that Anthony’s replacement of his sister would pose questions. So why does Phoebe appear so little in Bridgerton season 2? The answer is rather simple, she’s just not as important to the plot. Yet, in the same breath, Daphne’s near-total absence actually adds to the narrative. Bridgerton season 2 is Anthony’s story, and leaving Daphne and Simon as the main focus of the second season would do little but distract from the new focus on his and Kate Sharma’s romance. Simon was too strong a presence, so his absence works well, but Daphne had to return for at least part of the story.

The Bridgerton family is facing more scandals in the Netflix show’s newest installment and they’ve lost an ally in Daphne, especially given her status in the Queen’s eyes. Without her help, the family will be forced to navigate the troubling waters without her influence, which should make for an intriguing plot point in Bridgerton season 2. Another reason she’s away from the family is that her romantic story with Simon has been told satisfyingly already, and their marriage has taken her away from the family home. Removing Simon removes a major ally for Anthony – which actually suits the narrative, as it helps to isolate him – but in his place, Daphne acts as a good influence on Anthony, especially in terms of his morality when it comes to his romantic endeavors. It is she who tells him the most valuable advice, and beyond that, her presence is somewhat unnecessary to the plot of Bridgerton season 2.

The method of featuring several Bridgerton family members at once is when the show sparkles, and bringing the focus to the intriguing character of Anthony is sure to be a hit. The eldest son is alluring, sophisticated, insecure, and determined, all of which make for a favorable and sympathetic character. Bridgerton season 2 would do well to give audiences more of Anthony.

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