Here are all the animal companions owned by the main team members in Brooklyn Nine-Nine. The success story of Brooklyn Nine-Nine is a remarkable one, growing from humble beginnings to the next big U.S. sitcom, and a recent brush with cancellation only seems to have bolstered that popularity further. Based within the titular New York police district, Brooklyn Nine-Nine stars around a team of oddball detectives as they clean up the streets, but make a mess of their lives.

As well as drawing comedy from the investigative aspects of the Nine Nine’s police business, Brooklyn Nine-Nine also finds laughs in each character’s personal lives, and over the course of 7 seasons, the series has endeared the main group to viewers by peeling back the layers of each character in comedic and heartfelt ways. On occasions, this has included introducing a pet, and while not every member of the Nine-Nine crew has a furry friend (remember, Amy sneezes uncontrollably within five feet of a dog), some of these animals have left a lasting impression of the Brooklyn Nine-Nine faithful.


Undoubtedly the most famous of the Nine-Nine’s pets is Cheddar, Captain Raymond Holt’s corgi. No common bitch, Cheddar is almost as refined as Holt himself, and has been involved in the team’s Halloween shenanigans on numerous occasions. Cheddar also would’ve acted as ring bearer at Jake and Amy’s wedding were it not for overindulging in cake. The butt of many a gag, Cheddar brings out an uncharacteristically softer side of Captain Holt and even has a season 3 episode named in her honor.

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Holt isn’t the only character in love with a dog – in Brooklyn Nine-Nine season 2, Charles introduces Jason who, much like his owner, doesn’t always grasp the concept of boundaries. Much to Jake’s disgust, Jason is a “humper,” but the dog doesn’t last long and is killed off in season 3, leading to a moving funeral complete with a rendition of “Ave Maria.” Rather than a character in his own right like Cheddar, Jason was ultimately used as a plot device to further soften Rosa Diaz, who came to understand Charles better after learning about the bond he shared with the departed Jason. Fortunately, Charles still has two other dogs in his household, Richard and Dan, who are introduced in season 1. The offspring of Captain Holt’s Cheddar following a steamy affair with the dog next door, Charles is convinced by Holt to adopt the pair. Although only small when they debut, Richard and Dan return alongside Jason in season 2 as fully-grown doggos.

When Rosa was trying to shake Charles out of his post-Jason grief, she did what parents often do when their child’s pet dies – buy a replacement. The most intimidating member of the Nine-Nine presents Charles with Arlo, but the new dog is dismissed and Charles is deeply offended that Arlo dare try and take his beloved Jason’s place. Left with a homeless dog, Rosa adopts Arlo herself and it takes only a day and a half to fall hopelessly in love. As a result, Rosa learns why Charles was so devastated by Jason’s death in the first place, and she assures everyone that should anything happen to little Arlo, the entire Nine-Nine would suffer the consequences.

While not on the same level as the dogs mentioned above, Jake does (sort of) have Algernon, the mouse living inside his messy desk. In the cold open of season 1’s “The Tagger,” Holt chews Jake out on his lack of professionalism, citing the mouse as a key example. Jake is visibly delighted to see Algernon again, and clearly the pair were already well acquainted. Finally, Hitchcock buys a goldfish and keeps it in a mason jar in season 3, however, he soon drinks the creature when Scully shows him an identical jar containing lemonade. It was brief, but the fish was still technically a Brooklyn Nine-Nine pet. Scully himself has a dog (and a wife) called Kelly, but the pet is never shown on screen.

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